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Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 4 Discs 1 and 2

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:47 am
by wreck1080
I made an ISO of Curb Your Enth. Season 4 disc one.

Opened the ISO with MakeMKV , which scans the discs, but title 3 and 4 are skipped (the same thing happens with Disc 2).

All of the other seasons worked OK though. This problem is only with S4 discs 1 & 2. I can play the ISO's fine with VLC. I tried nero recode to remake the dvd, but the same problem occurs on the remade discs.

Here is the log (ignore the failure, for some reason makemkv can't detect my dvd drives but i use ISO's so that is ok).

MakeMKV v1.4.9 beta win(x86-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as C:\Users\Jeremy/MakeMKV_log.txt
FAILURE: Code 3221225488 at 9Mqn=#VUb(P+#>:213130927
FAILURE: Code 3221225488 at 9Mqn=#VUb(P+#>:213130927
FAILURE: Code 3221225488 at m)8\2zk`]$.#ZLr?:121263061
FAILURE: Code 0 at m)8\2zk`]$.#ZLr?:121262762
FAILURE: Code 0 at 2\(};xMZ=7p8Kz2OWi[vG,k3#4:29393516
The program can't find any usable optical drives.
Using direct disc access mode
Cell 1 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #0 (0:00:00) was skipped
Title #1 was added (1 cell(s), 0:29:48)
Title #2 was added (2 cell(s), 0:30:05)
Cell 1 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #3 (0:00:00) was skipped
Cell 1 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #4 (0:00:00) was skipped
Title #5 has length of 12 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #6 has length of 0 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Operation sucessfully completed