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Suggestion - Source & Destination directory

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:55 am
by bobr3940
I had previously copied my DVDs (menus, extras and all) to my NAS using AnyDVD. I am now going back and converting them all to .mkv files and stripping everything out except for the main content.

My files are stored in one directory (g:\source) and the new .mkv files are going in a new directory (G:\destination).
Here is the process I currently go through:

I run MakeMKV and go to File->Open Files and point it to g:\source
MakeMKV reads and processes the files and lets me choose which tracks I want to convert.
I then click the set output folder and it defaults to g:\source so I change it to g:\destination
After MakeMKV is done I go back to File->Open Files and it is now on g:\destination so I have to reset it to g:\source
wash, rinse repeat for each title.

It would be great if MakeMkv would remember the source and destination directories that were used last so that we did not have to keep switching them back and forth.

Thanks for the great progam.

Re: Suggestion - Source & Destination directory

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:32 am
by JLWaller
I am not sure what benefit there is in setting the file destination in Output folder, but, I set my destination folder in Preferences. You open Preferences and go to the video tab and you see the box labeled 'Default Destination'. There is a file box for you to set your default destination. Also, the button is set for "Semiauto", I do not know if it came that way, or if I set it that way for some reason. Anyway, the source now always defaults to the last source directory, and the destination always defaults to the directory I set in preferences, plus a folder based on the name of the iso I am converting.

Now if only MakeMKV would start using all the cpu cores again......


Re: Suggestion - Source & Destination directory

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:39 pm
by doncht
It would be great if MakeMkv would remember the source and destination directories that were used last so that we did not have to keep switching them back and forth.
+1 to this,. Although it will just take a minute to set those again, it will be tiresome when we are doing a lot of projects.

Re: Suggestion - Source & Destination directory

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:04 pm
by JLWaller
"+1 to this,. Although it will just take a minute to set those again, it will be tiresome when we are doing a lot of projects."

Not sure what you are saying here?????

Re: Suggestion - Source & Destination directory

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:49 pm
by fuzzy76
Agreed. There are two options missing:

- Last used Remember the last folder I set across launches.
- Same as source Creates output files in the same folder as the input files.

When it comes to CPU cores, I don't really understand the need. MakeMKV does not do encoding, so it doesn't do much CPU-intensive work at all. It's mostly I/O.

Re: Suggestion - Source & Destination directory

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:19 pm
by dpend
- Same as source Creates output files in the same folder as the input files.

Re: Suggestion - Source & Destination directory

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:38 am
by LouieChuckyMerry
dpend wrote:+1
- Same as source Creates output files in the same folder as the input files.
This would be a much appreciated option.