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Excellent product - Thanks

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:39 pm
by Badger
My first post, so I want to take the opportunity to say thanks for such an excellent product :D

I had been looking for a product that would allow me to do lossless rips of my DVD collection for some time, and I tried some inferior software about a year ago and decided that ripping software was just not mature enough, so I decided to leave the DVDs to one side and just concentrate on ripping my CDs to FLAC.

With MakeMKV, that has all changed, and this is the perfect solution for me. I'm now about 120 DVDs into my stack and extremely happy with the results :D

I had a few early problems and put them to one side so that I could at least familiarise myself with the outcomes, and learn to deal with the occasional TV series DVD that needs splitting into separate episodes as only a single title exists, and to be patient when a 'complex multiplex' is found, which appears to affect my older DVDs more that the new ones. MkvMerge (from another site) allows me to easily split episodes and Music Videos into tracks or occasionally to join two titles together which was needed on one occasion, or to re-mux series episodes with the correct aspect ratio set.

The success rate is very good though, so well done!

As for the failures, they are very few. At present I have just one TV box set (Which happens to be my favourite :( ) that refuses to rip, and two movies, and that's all. I intend to check to ensure that I'm on the latest version of MakeMKV and give them another go. I have a feeling that there are some guidelines for reporting issues which I need to look up so that I can create the logs assuming that you are interested?

Thanks again,
