Auto-selecting audio-tracks - misses some

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Auto-selecting audio-tracks - misses some

Post by thockin »

MakeMKV is pretty amazing.

I am ripping all of my (legit owned) Blu-Rays into MKV. I pretty much want *everything* on the Blu-Ray in the MKV - for archival and max compatibility.

I see that MakeMKV automatically selects some audio tracks for me, but not all of them. This means I need to go through every title on every disk and make sure all the audio tracks are picked.

Screencap is attached - note that a lot of English boxes are not checked. Also the Select All functionality doesn't seem to work how I expect - shouldn't it be recursive?

Is there a way to say ALWAYS select ALL audio tracks? Or at least ALL audio tracks in English (my language choice).
screencap.png (73.06 KiB) Viewed 4682 times
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Re: Auto-selecting audio-tracks - misses some

Post by Smithcraft »

See the Advanced MakeMKV section -

And yes, it would be nice if Select All was recursive.

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