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Chapter Titles [Feature Suggestion]

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:47 pm
by Icanseestars
I know MakeMKV can import the chapter data from the DVD which is a nice feature, perhaps the icing on the cake would be able to pull down metadata so the chapters have their titles.

This is or to be precise was possible by using Chapter Grabber a nice little application that would scan your DVD & then could scrape sites like Tagchimp and pull down the titles for chapters, you could then import these as a txt file into your MKV via MKVmerge though there are two problems.

The developer has abandoned Chapter Grabber the app itself still works but is unable to scrape the info from websites anymore. I think the app was built on open source stuff he seems to link to various things he used to make the application.

Chapter Grabber was also not as good as MakeMKV in detecting chapters on movies which had more than one cut on the disc (extended scenes) for example Alien 3 has two versions on the disc with the first being 32 chapters and one with 44 but Chapter Grabber only sees the 32 chapter version but MakeMKV sees both.

Maybe its something MakeMKV could do too in the long run as manually typing out the titles for each chapter and importing is a major chore.

Or a quick and easy option would be to allow users to edit the chapter name data within MakeMKV before creating the actual MKV file then this way we can at least cut & paste the titles into the chapter entries from sites like Tagchimp, and it would take the manual MKVmerge re-muxing step out of the process.

Re: Chapter Titles [Feature Suggestion]

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:56 am
by mike admin
Did you try it? MakeMKV supports DVD_TEXT metadata for both title and chapter names so it should preserve chapter names if they are present on disc. Make sure that you open DVD disc directly, other programs (specifically DVDfab) are known to destroy DVD_TEXT metadata.

Re: Chapter Titles [Feature Suggestion]

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:15 pm
by Icanseestars
I did have AnyDVD running in the background in most cases but curious to see if it was that I just re-ripped two movies Back to the Future & Aliens, neither had any chapter titles just the time stamps as titles. I'll try a few more just to be sure.

It could be that some DVD's have no chapter titles depending on the release so I hope you still consider the option for users to edit the chapter titles before creating the MKV.