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MakeMkv As a Disk Streaming Service

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:45 pm
by mdibella
I've got MakeMKV working successfully as a Windows Service Application using the Resource Kit srvany.exe program. The configuration serves the media mounted in disk0 for streaming.

Here are the registry details:

"Application"="C:\\Program Files\\MakeMkv\\makemkvcon.exe"
"AppDirectory"="C:\\Program Files\\MakeMkv"
"AppParameters"="stream --messages=makemkv.log --upnp=1 --cache=128 --bindport=51000 --decrypt disc:0"


The makemkvcon.exe process doesn't seem to survive runtime dismount/remount of the media. Is there a command switch or other setting to configure this? Ideally, MakeMkv would disable the streaming server when the media was dismounted, but stay in memory, and automatically re-analyze new media when mounted. This would allow MakeMkv to stay resident and act as a "hands-free" streaming media server for optical media. Thoughts?

FYI, I have Autorun disabled on my dev machine, so maybe this already works but requires that setting?

Re: MakeMkv As a Disk Streaming Service

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:43 pm
by Icetrips
Great idea but...
This mean you have to enter a BluRay in your pc.

Why you don't just but all movie on a 2tb hd and share it with MCE (this become video on demand)?

Re: MakeMkv As a Disk Streaming Service

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:12 pm
by mdibella
I often watch a movie once and never again.

Seems a poor use of resources (my time and disk space) to transcode and store content I may never review again.

Favorites definitely warrant fare, not so much.

Right now, I simply restart the service after media is mounted. My media server is headless: I use extenders or DLNA for all rendering. To restart the service, I have to remote into the box...this is too complex a process for my wife to master.

My suggestion seems like the like a perfect solution. Solves the problem and has high WAF (wife acceptance factor).

Re: MakeMkv As a Disk Streaming Service

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:42 pm
by Icetrips
WAF factor is great :)
Mine just rewatch everything it's why I turn "On demand".

But for your problem... look like the ressource need to be restarted everytime.
There is 2 work around for this problem:
1.You could put an icons on the desktop. Click and if you enter a new one, you need to close and restart it.
(This is really manual :( )

2. Could probably be associate to "enter a new BluRay Media".. option "Stream to Tv".
Create a cmd/bat with the current action.
1. kill the previous kill makemkvcon.exe
2. start makemkvcon.exe with params.
(could be also as a service.. kill the service and restart it)

This is work around for now.

The best should be: Mike make the change to the code for makemkvcon.exe remount drive when you exit and enter a new media.

Re: MakeMkv As a Disk Streaming Service

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:03 pm
by mdibella
Quick update.

Thanks for the help.

Using TweakUI I was able to register my own AutoPlay handler for DVD media which executes the PSService tool from Sysinternals (now Microsoft) to restart my MakeMKV service built with SRVANY.exe.

I also had to install a registry mod to disable Autorun so that DVDs with autorun.inf didn't execute the autorun instruction instead of the Autoplay action.

So far seems to work well. Pop in a disk, Windows reads it, if TS_VIDEO folder is present, the MakeMKV service is restarted the reads the IFOs and started the uPNP interface...