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How to benchmark drive speed?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:22 pm
by drknight71

Have a few Bluray drives and want to benchmark them to see which is the fastest and was wondering how I do that?

Also does a Usb 2.0 vs 3.0 enclosure make a difference?

Thank you

Re: How to benchmark drive speed?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:04 pm
by dcoke22
MakeMKV will show you the speed it is operating at while it is running.

If you wanted to be a bit more scientific, you could make a backup of a disc and time how long it takes from when you click start to when it finishes. Use the same disc and do the same thing in each drive.

If you wanted to get even more rigorous, reboot your computer between each run, don't touch the system while it is running, and do 3 or more runs with each drive (always with the same disc) and average the time.

USB 2 vs USB 3 shouldn't make a difference, but you could test it.