Expired license key, missing AACS key, or bad UHD?

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Expired license key, missing AACS key, or bad UHD?

Post by brsf96 »

I successfully ripped a Blu-ray disk yesterday, but when I tried a UHD disk tonight, I got an error that "the volume key is unknown for this disc". I'm new to MakeMKV so I don't know if this is
  • an AACS issue (the movie is from 2022 though and I couldn't find other postings about the movie),
  • an MakeMKV license key issue (which may or may not have expired two days ago depending on the difference between "evaluation expires" and "version expires"),
  • an issue with the disk (although I made sure it was pristine - no prints, smudges, scratches, or dust), or
  • an issue with my drive (Archgon MD-8107S-U3YC-UHD).
The reason I might question my drive is that it's brand new but wouldn't flash with the LG slim BU40N image ("HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BU40N-1.03-NM00000-211810241934.bin") via SDFtool. It worked fine via the command line though. (Maybe I didn't run SDFtool as an admin? I don't remember.) And, yes, I had the drive plugged into a secondary adapter so it had plenty of power.

For whatever it's worth, I've attached the AACS dump file. I'd appreciate any suggestions people might have. Thanks.
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Re: Expired license key, missing AACS key, or bad UHD?

Post by Woodstock »

The key isn't known to your system. Assuming you have picking up keys enabled and working, it is possible that it hasn't been decoded yet. Submitting your TGZ file via email to svq@makemkv.com, is the first step to enabling decoding in MakeMKV.

Posting the TGZ file here allows third-party people to pick it up, and they can often make changes to the KeyDB file to enable decoding, but that is a separate process (usually faster) than MakeMKV's built-in mechanism. The TGZ file will be removed in a few days, though, because it isn't something that most people would need.
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Re: Expired license key, missing AACS key, or bad UHD?

Post by brsf96 »

Thanks. I didn't know about the KeyDB file. I downloaded the latest copy and the disk decodes just fine now.

I'll email the TGZ file anyways so it's known that MakeMKV doesn't appear to have the key but KeyDB does.
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