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Command line use / scripting with MakeMKV

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:38 am
by floh-511
MakeMKV is a nice little GUI tool that does what it says and runs better than Handbrake which I have also tried.
Whenever I convert DVDs to my harddrive now, I use MKV. But my problem is: I have 400+ VIDEO_TS folders on my drives already and converting them manually would be a big pain.
I am really only interested in the main movie so I set minimum track length to 1 hour.

So my biggest wish for MakeMKV future versions would be:
- have a "simple mode" to rip "main movie only" by default
- integrate a job list so you can define 10, 20 or more conversions and let them run
- be able to select multiple folders (I know this is difficult because of track selection, audio tracks etc. but maybe something could be done)

A colleague of mine has suggested to write a batch file, script or something to scan the folder structure and then use a command line tool like ffmpeg to achieve this, but this is beyond me.
I?m sure many other people have a similar issue - does anyone have a solution or can point me in the right direction?

Re: Command line use / scripting with MakeMKV

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:58 pm
by GJones
Under Linux you can get simple task queueing using task spooler (ts). It is not in the common repositories but is easy enough to build.

The "main title" rip of most films can be achieved by setting a minimum title length. Setting it to 3600 ensures that all ripped titles have a minimum length of 1 hour (3600 seconds), eliminating all but the longest special features. Some discs do have the poor taste to have a separate "play all" title that includes all special features and the main title.