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1.17.3 potential bug - Windows version does not recognize named network drives.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:02 pm
by Bpendragon
Further explanation:

I run MakeMKV from my desktop but have it drop the files directly onto my Synology NAS in a folder structure set up for Jellyfin to use.
In Windows I have two named network drives:

\\path-to-nas\data is mapped to drive N (for NAS)
\\path-to-nas\docker is mapped to drive M (for Management)

MakeMKV file location is set to Semi-automatic at N:\media\video

which then in turn contains folders to drill down to where things need to go for Jellyfin.

Upon upgrading to 1.17.3 and receiving an anime bluray I ordered in the mail I loaded up MakeMKV and loaded in the first disc.

Upon clicking the folder icon next to the rip location to drill down it defaulted me to C:\Program Files\makemkv. Then I noticed that neither N nor M were available in the sidebar. I also tried going directly to N:\media\video in the navbar but got a "Location does not exist" popup.

I was able to get the disc ripping by pointing it directly to \\path-to-nas\data\video\... but I would really prefer if the named drives showed up again. They show up just fine in Windows Explorer, Powershell, and other programs.