Great product, loving how simple it is. In saying this I think that a very nice addition would be the ability to generate nicer titles.
My suggestion is on the page where you pick the titles to rip, have the ability to set the output filename of each title, instead of just 'title00.mkv'. I was thinking this could be done in a couple of ways, but I think the main time this would be useful would be for TV Series DVDs, having an auto generate.
I'm not sure about how everyone else does it, but when I rip my TV shows from DVD, I generally drop them in a folder structure such as:
\Episodes\Arrested Development\Season 3\S03E01 - Title of the episode.mkv
This has the bonus of keeping the shows in chronological order in media centre and still having the title in plain sight.
I had an MP3 ripping program one time that would allow you to specify an output mask, and I think that might be the way to go here. Add an extra section/screen that allows you to set DVD info (or even better, download it from somewhere using the DVD ID), and then allow us to set a mask using parameters off that info screen:
X:\Episodes\%SHOW%\Season %S#%\S%S##%E%E##% - %TITLE%.mkv
In this case there are 5 variables, SHOW, SEASON, S, E, and TITLE. S# and S## are just the season number, but formatted without and with a leading zero. I'm not sure if the season number will be in downloaded dvd information, but if it's not it can still be manually entered on the info screen. Episode number will definitely not be part of anything, but put a 'first episode number' box somewhere and all the selected titles can be numbered from that box in order.
After adding the ability to do a mask as such, we'd need the ability to add multiple masks, and have them selectable on the ripping screen. In the mask creation area let us apply a lable, and on the ripping side give us a dropdown with those labels. Definitely provide some default masks, for movies and episodes. Allow masks to be relative too, so \Episodes with a default output directory of X:\blah is equiv to X:\blah\Episodes in the mask.
Next, I expect that the MKV format (but I haven't looked) has the ability to add informational tags into the mkv files. Add all/most of the DVD info into the file that the user entered/downloaded. Use standard MP3 info tag names if there isn't a standard convention yet... MakeMKV is quickly going to become the must have mkv creation program and you need standards for that kind of thing. Definitely make sure one of these info fields is a jpg/png/whatever image field, for the cover.
I know I keep saying DVD but I expect all this applies to blu ray also.
Don't focus on breaking encryptions, css or bd+ etc, it will get you into trouble. Everyone will quickly learn that MakeMKV in conjunction with Slysoft AnyDVD HD is the best way to go for everyone. You won't have to keep up with the joneses encryptions, and can focus on making the best product out there. AnyDVD is cheap and tbh freaking amazing, and even if you add protection circumvention I expect most of your customers including myself will definitely want a way to disable your one, and would rather rely on AnyDVD.
Ok, I'm sorry this became such a large post, but I hope it makes people think

Cheers and good luck! I can't wait for the next version.