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MakeMKV w/ Windows 7 - No usable optical drives?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 4:44 pm
by liebowa
I recently installed the RC BETA of Windows 7. I just now installed MakeMKV and am getting this error message:
"The program can't find any usable optical drives. The BETA version requires administrative privileges for drive access."

I enabled logging - here's the results:
FAILURE: Code 3221225488 at 5qSw3u]KFoZ XU:213130927
FAILURE: Code 3221225488 at 5qSw3u]KFoZ XU:213130927
FAILURE: Code 3221225488 at 5F}{G^y4Uv*LI$5|:121262992
FAILURE: Code 0 at 5F}{G^y4Uv*LI$5|:121262785
FAILURE: Code 0 at \3C-\03N#SATD}Qgj YW2-tHR~:29393516
The program can't find any usable optical drives. The BETA version requires administrative privileges for drive access.

I did run the program with admin rights - anyone have any ideas?

Re: MakeMKV w/ Windows 7 - No usable optical drives?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:36 am
by dandirk
Turn off AHCI aka put sata drives in legacy or IDE mode from the bios.

This is assuming you are using a sata drive.

Re: MakeMKV w/ Windows 7 - No usable optical drives?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:11 pm
by liebowa
You are absolutely correct. I did some further searching thourhg this forum yesterday and found the answer, but I neglected to post my own answer here!

Thanks for replying!

Re: MakeMKV w/ Windows 7 - No usable optical drives?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:34 pm
by bleifrei
do i have a disadvantage if i use the program and a ahci drive?

i could access to my bly ray drive. there were error massages but everything works and a mkv file was successful created

But, when i open the file with vlc i get the following error message:

Code: Select all

Kein passendes Decodierungsmodul:
VLC unterst?tzt das Audio- oder Videoformat "undf" nicht. Leider k?nnen Sie daran nichts ?ndern.
i'll translate:
no fitting decode modul?:
vlc doesnt support the audio or video format "undf".

but the video works anyway
when i start vlc with english language, ive no error message
i think its a vlc bug