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Newbie: Batch file DVD iso > mkv

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:14 am
by mkwul70
Up front - I am new here.
Also I have used MakeMKV just once, to convert an iso to mkv (loading the ISO as virtual DVD) in Windows 10 x64.

Vainly searched here to see if I could find examples of a batch file that is doing the following.

Say I have all the video .iso files in 1 single folder, so, like this:


I want all these iso files be converted to .mkv in the same folder, the same way as if they were loaded in a virtual DVD


I could copy all the iso file names to clipboard and paste it into a text file.
Then (if possible) add command line instruction for each file/line.

However, regretfully I would not know how to create a batch for that.
How it should look like.

Appreciate suggestions.

p.s. I already found out there are a lot of "makemkvcon" instructions,
but honestly, I would not know how to deal with those, i.e. what to use and how.

Re: Newbie: Batch file DVD iso > mkv

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:26 am
by Chetwood
Have you searched the forum for 'batch'?

Re: Newbie: Batch file DVD iso > mkv

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:39 pm
by mkwul70

Well, actually, yes. I spent quite some time on the forum before asking something that probably has been asked a few times before.
I am on Internet for many years and know that it is boring when some newbie is again asking again for something that has been asked before many times. So, I did try to figure this out myself first.

Sorry, probably I am overlooking answers that are readily available.
Was hoping to find some instructions as to how the command line would work.

Meanwhile found batchmkv.

I'll check that out.
(Regretfully it requires installation)

A few minutes later:
trying to install it, all kinds of warnings.
SnagIt-10012021 153911.png
SnagIt-10012021 153911.png (44.61 KiB) Viewed 9714 times

Re: Newbie: Batch file DVD iso > mkv

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 11:52 am
by Chetwood
Have you tried MakeMKV Batch Converter?

Re: Newbie: Batch file DVD iso > mkv

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:14 pm
by mkwul70
Tried, but got an error ..

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click
Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If
you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

and all kinds of codes.

Re: Newbie: Batch file DVD iso > mkv

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:29 am
by Chetwood
Weird, it works just fine for me on Windows 10. You can bypass Windows Defender to execute unrecognized apps, so maybe you should upload BatchMKV to virustotal and take the risk.

Re: Newbie: Batch file DVD iso > mkv

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:14 pm
by multimax
Did you ever find a good solution?

I have lots of ISOs to convert to MKVs. I couldn't get BatchMKV to work. It's rather outdated now and the last version seems to give install errors. I thought MKVbatch was a solution but it doesn't work with .iso files.

Also, I thought I could just create a really large .bat file with a ton of repeated commands using MAKEMKVCON but I'm still trying to figure out the syntax. Everything I read seems to suggest it's for converting directly from a DVD drive rather than taking a USB hard drive with many .iso files.

One would think there would be huge demand for such a .iso to .mkv batch muxing utility. I know some want everything in that utility but just a simple one that keeps just English subtitles and all audios would be great. No configurations necessary. Also, it's only needed for .iso movies, not complex tv episodes and all that.

I've tried a number of things for several days and still struggling. Doing one at a time through the MakeMKV GUI might be the only option.