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1.15.3 fails with "application failed to initialize"

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:49 pm
by jvian1
I have been using MakeMKV for some time on my Fedora system and it has been working very well.

The version that has been working was 1.14.5 and with the recent release of 1.15.3 I decided to try and upgrade to take advantage of updates in the software.

After downloading and installing 1.15.3 every attempt to open it failed with the error in the title.
Searching on this forum I found several hits about compile errors with suggestion for flags needed to compile but that did not seem to be my issue. I tried the suggestions anyway but no luck. Refining my search and digging a little deeper I came across this post which seemed closer to my error so I dug into the suggestions about duplicate library files in /usr/lib and /usr/lib64.

I found, and in both /usr/lib and /usr/lib64, so I deleted all in both libraries then redid the compile and install of both the oss and bin packages.
MakeMKV now works, and as far as I can tell the problem occurred because of duplicate 32 bit and 64 bit libraries. Now only the 64 bit versions are installed.

I believe this is an installer issue because reading the Makefile it seems there is no attempt made to clean up an earlier install but instead it simply installs the newer files. There also is no "uninstall" option in the Makefile. This leaves it up to the user, who initially would have no clue what files have been installed and where the problem might exist. It was only with several hours research online and looking manually at what was actually on my PC that I was able to identify what was, and more importantly what should have and should not have been installed.

In any case, removing the conflicting libraries fixed the error.

I hope others are able to use this info to solve similar issues.