I was wondering if there is a way to add a few more clear examples to this page so that I can figure out how to use the syntax:
Having a few more clear examples, I can piece together more uses on my own.
It's a little above me to figure this all out myself, but I'll bet there is a lot of benefit in knowing how to use manual mode.
I've seen cases where I wondered if I could rip individual chapters. Would be cool.
Sometimes the files ripped from the DVD don't cover everything on it...usually that happens on certain special features/extras, rarely on the main feature.
Note...I decided to copy and paste the entire bottom half of that page into Notepad and break it up a bit. Still a bit hard to follow.
I realized getting the concepts down of token, title, chapter and cell helps.
Not exactly sure what a token is, but the hierarchy seems to start with title at the top, then chapter being a sub-unit of title, then cell being a sub-unit of chapter.
I guess token is the 'command string' you feed into Manual DVD mode that is composed of the syntax outlined.
It's clear to get a complete list of titles including any that are fake or hidden, that I should use a DVD player.
Attempting to get a handle on the token structure, it seems you always have to start out with the title on the left side of the colon, and then the chapter and cell is on the right side with caveat that cells are prefaced with '@'.
What's not clear to me is what chapter a particular cell belongs to or how MakeMKV knows what chapter to look at when cells are specified. Maybe I am understanding this wrong and that cells are not necessarily parts of chapters and that cells and chapters are different ways to look at parts of the same title.
The one example token (command string) given below that seems to be most encompassing indicates all the elements involved.
I noticed there is a space between each component of the token that is treated as a unit comprising title:(chapter
OR cell
but not BOTH)
That example referred to seems like it should be re-worded just a bit to add 4 more words for clarification:
"The string 5:1-5 8:@3-@14,@16-@21 specifies that chapters 1-5 should be opened from title number 5 as a first title, and cells 3-14 followed by cells 16-21 should be opened as a second title."
Suggestion is:
The string 5:1-5 8:@3-@14,@16-@21 specifies that chapters 1-5 should be opened from title number 5 as a first title, and cells 3-14 followed by cells 16-21 should be opened
from title number 8 as a second title.
Reading some more through the text, there appears to be a typo on this line:
"token := tile_number:part1[;part2;...;partN]"
Assume it should be:
token :=
I notice near the end, the new concepts of "part", "range" and "point" are not defined.
Also the very last line about "point" shows a syntax component called "pgc" which is not defined:
"point := (chapter|[
Two questions:
1. I know all DVD players show titles and chapters (maybe they all show fake titles as well). What DVD player shows individual cells or how would you even know which cells to specify?
2. What is the best DVD and Blu-Ray player to use?