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Command Line

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:57 pm
by tyborg
I know this is beta software and still under development, but I was wondering if anybody including mike admin has got it running from the command line. This would be awesome functionality for a very handy app already.

Re: Command Line

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:50 am
by mike admin
try makemkvcon.exe - it is the command line application behind MakeMKV that features command-line interface.

Re: Command Line

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:07 pm
by tyborg
Thanks, I tried that before without success, after searching again today I found this post which got me on track and I was able to create a single MKV from a title I had previously ripped to my HDD. I'm really stoked at this point. A couple new questions now...

I was wondering is there a way to choose which audio and subtitles from a particular title it will include from the commandline? The info given "mkv <source> <title id> <destination folder>" seems to imply that I can only direct it to the title. Perhaps there are options for streams I can include in the title like 0:0,1,4 to get title 0 only streams 0,1 and 4. This would give me only the video, english audio, and english subs.

Is there anyway to get the commandline the GUI is using?

Re: Command Line

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:33 am
by NagoyaJoe
I would also appreciate it if you added more features to the command line interface. It would be especially helpful if I could specify all or multiple titles at a time.

I was also thinking you should add command line switches for:

min title length
max title length
no subtitles
all subtitles
recursion (process all ISO files in a directory and its subdirectories)
write errors to a log file

Re: Command Line

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:30 am
by mike admin
You can use "all" as title id. There is presently no way to specify individual streams or multiple titles besides all or single. Request to expand command line interface noted, but I do not believe this feature will be added anytime soon.

Re: Command Line

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:07 pm
by tyborg
mike admin wrote:You can use "all" as title id. There is presently no way to specify individual streams or multiple titles besides all or single. Request to expand command line interface noted, but I do not believe this feature will be added anytime soon.
Thanks for the clarification. Will keep an eye out for this feature in the future and see if I can just use mkvextract and mkvmerge from CLI to get what I want. I really love this app by the way.
NagoyaJoe wrote:min title length
max title length
FYI the settings you enter for min title length in the GUI are followed from the CLI.