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convince me to pay ?50 for this POS software

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:18 pm
by Statick
MakeMKV is sold as "try before you buy" and will work for 30 days before expiring, the website says.

sorry but this is bullshit. just getting this program to work on a trial basis requires a lot of screwing around, what on earth is supposed to make me think that i'm going to get any kind of support for my ?50 if i buy this program? if you can't even make it simple to OPEN the damn software without some rude error message telling me i'm not worthy of running the thing, why should i believe for a second that any other future bugs will ever get fixed?

i downloaded the software, installed it, and the program rudely tells me "this program is too old, please download the newest version" and shut itself down, very ungracefully. no hint or suggestion is given as to how to get the thing to work. eventually, i come to the forum, only to find out that to get it to work, i have to set my system clock back into the past, then reinstall the software, then install a temporary license key, then i can set my clock back to normal again.

this for a start is absurd, why can't it just operate on a "runs for 30 days then dies" basis like 99.9% OF ALL OTHER TRIAL SOFTWARE. making it this difficult to simply open the program, is just stupid.

well i got it working, and i used it once. didnt work on the file i tried it on. that was a week ago.

so i loaded it up again, just now, to try it again on a different file. this time, i get a new rude message "your beta key is invalid, this will now be deleted". and the program again shuts itself down. now when i open it again, i'm back to the original "this software is too old, please download the newest version". ARGH. so presumably now, i have to uninstall the software again, fuck around with my system clock AGAIN, just to see if this POS software even works in the first place?

and you want FIFTY QUID for it?


if you don't care enough about potential customers to make even the process of simply opening the software less painful than "a massive pain in the arse", then why would anyone stick around long enough to end up handing over their money? you can't even get this one simple thing right. so if someone finds a massive bug in a few months time, how long is that going to stay there? will that be a case of "oh just change your system settings and reinstall the program every time you want to use it" as well?

i went to the shop page because i thought it would just be easier to buy the damn thing, and rid myself of this stupid invalid key malarkey. had it cost about ?5 i probably would have just bought it. as it is, i have no idea if the software does what it claims to, because the 30 day trial simply does not work, and i'm certainly not about to pay ?50 to find out.

in fact i'm not about to pay ?50 at all. i'm off.

Re: convince me to pay ?50 for this POS software

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:22 pm
by acosmichippo
The program is designated as BETA, and is FREE while it is in beta. Wikipedia: "The focus of beta testing is reducing impacts to users, often incorporating usability testing." In other words, it's still in development, which is why there is currently no fee to use it. In fact, the purpose is to raise these exact kind of problems to the developers' attention. There is absolutely no need to be so hostile about it.

Re: convince me to pay ?50 for this POS software

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:06 pm
by skittle
Hi, sorry to hear your having issues... i know its a pain when the beta key expires...

Anyway, mike always posts a new key here:
Use this one, it is good until october 30th.

Regarding its usefullness/cost ratio: consider that a lifetime license is just the price of just 2 blurays. 1/2 the price of, easier to use and has more features than competing products from slysoft and dvdfab. Available on all OS's. Does not require internet connection to work. Also its free while in beta

Mike has provided excellent support for everyone here, so please give the software a chance... you will like it.

Re: convince me to pay ?50 for this POS software

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:40 am
by neo668
makemkv has been out for quite a while now and the author has not charged a single cent for its use. At least I haven't paid anything yet.

Re: convince me to pay ?50 for this POS software

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:29 am
by mechanic47
MakeMKV is a great piece of software, I liked it so much I paid for a lifetime licsence. I really does what it says it will and is very easy to use, competitors products pale by comparison. Beta keys expire for a reason so that you will pick the new version up to help in the process of eliminating problems by thoughtfully and respectfully posting about them on these forums. The Hostility has no place here.

Re: convince me to pay ?50 for this POS software

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:50 pm
by moviebuff
I dont understand this hostility either not to mention it is still in beta phase. The support has been wonderful with this software that works so well that I also bought the program too.