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SUGGESTION: Everyone who uses this software reqularly...

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:00 am
by TheTerrorBeyond
...should purchase it. The price isn't high, and the value is there. If you have a media server, you will use this software a lot. Show your support for the developer's hard work.

I found this program to be extremely useful quite a while back and I use it regularly. Out of respect for the hard work the developer put into it, I paid for a license about a year ago or so and I haven't regretted it at all.

THANK YOU for making this absolutely vital tool for my media server! I have ripped about 1,000 of the movies in my collection already and I have many more to go. I couldn't have done it without you.

Re: SUGGESTION: Everyone who uses this software reqularly...

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:18 am
by Lovely Rita

Re: SUGGESTION: Everyone who uses this software reqularly...

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:08 pm
by yorgo
Another +1. I know there are lots of options out there, and I've tried many over the years but keep returning to MakeMKV as the simplest, most reliable tool for converting to .mkv. Best in breed, IMO.

And if others truly feel the same and are using it for free, perhaps its time to buy, don't you think? :wink:

Re: SUGGESTION: Everyone who uses this software reqularly...

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:33 am
by Azuroth

I do enjoy having free software but I do believe in appreciating one's hard work. After realizing that I constantly used MakeMKV it only made sense to buy a license. Many thanks to the developer(s).

Re: SUGGESTION: Everyone who uses this software reqularly...

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:56 pm
by TheTerrorBeyond
I hope that people take this suggestion and help the developer. I know that getting something for free is great, but it is also great to show your appreciation.

Please support this application by purchasing if you use it regularly. Please. :)

Re: SUGGESTION: Everyone who uses this software reqularly...

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:38 pm
by edank
It's good to make this clear. It isn't obvious during normal use of the program that purchase is even an option! I had used the software for over a year before I found somebody referencing that they were a paid user, and even then still had to hunt down how to buy the software...

Re: SUGGESTION: Everyone who uses this software reqularly...

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:07 am
by TheTerrorBeyond
edank wrote:It's good to make this clear. It isn't obvious during normal use of the program that purchase is even an option! I had used the software for over a year before I found somebody referencing that they were a paid user, and even then still had to hunt down how to buy the software...
Indeed. I hope that this helps people find their way to the "buy" link. I can imagine that the developer is busy fixing things, working on new things, etc., all while working his main job. If we all help him out by purchasing his software (which unscrupulous third-party companies steal and sell), we will get to continue using the best ripping software on the market.

Please support MakeMKV. It is definitely worth it. :)

NOTE: I am in no way affiliated with the developer of this program, nor do I even know who it is.