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VC1 files and TS muxer

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:56 pm
by forest-holm
Only just found your app and very nice it is too.
I have a problem...
if I take a BluRay that is encoded at 24FPS and VC1 run Makemkv it decrypts OK, I can then run TSmuxer to produce an m2ts file.
However when ever I run Makemkv on material that is encoded at 23.9 fps ( and there appear to be quite a few in my collection even though I am in PAL land)
when I run the resulting MKV through TSMuxer I always get an error that the streams are not synchronised (in the MKV file).
Am I missing something or is this as I suspect a bug ??
All help gratefully received. :)

Re: VC1 files and TS muxer

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:14 am
by mike admin
Hi Forest,

Thank you for the information, it could be a bug either in MakeMkv or TSMuxer (and more likely the last). But anyway, thank you, we'd try to check this out.

Re: VC1 files and TS muxer

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:26 pm
by forest-holm
Wow that was quick, thanks for the reply. You probably guessed that I need the files for streaming to a PS3..hence the need to use TSmux.Now if only the PS3 could read MKv..or maybe MakeDIVX (Xvid)....... :idea: