Fabulous Audio Blu Ray

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Fabulous Audio Blu Ray

Post by blufred »

When I rip a Blu Ray, how do I know what audio I am going to copy? Do all Blu Rays have some sort of surround? It seems mostly hit-and-miss for me. I have a nice fairly new Sony surround amp. It can decode a lot of schemes. Some it can't through the optical connection. Especially 7.1 sound. Not interested in 7.1 sound.

Accidently, I'll rip a Blu Ray and the audio format is what the receiver likes and it's out of this world!!

What should I look for in the MAKEMKV to see what audio is available.

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Re: Fabulous Audio Blu Ray

Post by Woodstock »

Bluray audio is a mixed affair. You can have 1 channel through the latest Dolby "ten billion channel" (an exaggeration) tracks. Which ones you want depend upon your equipment. Can it handle AAC audio, or is it limited to AC3? DTS/DTS-HD? TrueHD? 7.1 channel?
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Re: Fabulous Audio Blu Ray

Post by MrVideo »

blufred wrote:Some it can't through the optical connection. Especially 7.1 sound. Not interested in 7.1 sound.
I'm going to guess that you are not using an HDMI connection to the amp, just an optical connection. At most that means you will only get DTS5.1 and DolbyDigital5.1. I know that AAC can also be passed over optical.
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Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:02 pm

Re: Fabulous Audio Blu Ray

Post by blufred »

MrVideo wrote:
blufred wrote:Some it can't through the optical connection. Especially 7.1 sound. Not interested in 7.1 sound.
I'm going to guess that you are not using an HDMI connection to the amp, just an optical connection. At most that means you will only get DTS5.1 and DolbyDigital5.1. I know that AAC can also be passed over optical.
Yes Very true, what you're saying. HDMI is capable of a lot of audio. Optical limited. Thanks

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