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A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:07 am
I just finished coverting my DVD collection to MKV's and have 7 DVD's of around 200 that wouldnt work. There are only a few repeating problems so any insight in how to get these ripped would be great.

"Fatal Error occurred, Program wil now exit." This pops up in a "MakeMKV Popup Window"
- Fun with Dick and Jane
- Click

Fails to save the MKV file immediately after clicking the "MakeMKV" button. You get the error less than a second after hitting the button, it can't be even making an attempt.
- Duran Duran - Live in London (dont laugh for some reason my 5yo loves it)
- The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

No main title is listed in the menu of titles, only smaller available titles.
- Rendition

Fails to save file at the very end of the process. IE at 100% complete, get the "0 saved, 1 failed" message when it all looks OK.
- Blade Runner
- Muse Live Royal Albert Music Hall (this one is an old PAL disc that was covereted to a Video TS structure on my HD. Disc is bad, no longer available. Video TS structure plays fine, but can't make the MKV. Disc 1 is in the same state but coverted fine from the Video TS structure.

I finally got Blade Runner to work by created an ISO file form the original disc, and then convereted from the ISO to MKV. Not sure why this worked, but wont with the others.

Logs uploaded.

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:08 am
Additional logs.

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:13 am
Last Log

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 8:24 am
by Krobar
Are these Region 1 or Region 2?

I managed to copy Fun With Dick and Jane and Rendition (Both R2 UK)

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:26 pm
Krobar wrote:Are these Region 1 or Region 2?

I managed to copy Fun With Dick and Jane and Rendition (Both R2 UK)
I think the two concerts are region 2, the others are region 1.

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:25 pm
by usul27
I'm having a similar problem with "Beat Street" Region 2 DVD.
Both Windows and MacOS version abort with an error. Other programs do not have any problem with this disk.
Error is "Fatal Error occurred, Program wil now exit." on Mac and "Failed 1" on Windows.
Is there any better error reporting that will help you to find the problem?

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:20 pm
by mikeinessex
Hi mike did mention on another thread that on the next edition of makemkv there will be fied issues with dvd. up untill now bluray has been top priority. me and krobar have sent all the logs and files we have to mike which cover all errors you said so when the new one comes out should solve all your problems mate :)

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:32 am
mikeinessex wrote:Hi mike did mention on another thread that on the next edition of makemkv there will be fied issues with dvd. up untill now bluray has been top priority. me and krobar have sent all the logs and files we have to mike which cover all errors you said so when the new one comes out should solve all your problems mate :)
Thanks, thats good to know!

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:51 pm
by crowfax
The only disc I've had a crash issue with has been Daybreakers. I sent the logs off to Mike with the IFO's last week. I'm not in a rush to watch it but for the sake of completion I'd like to have it archived.

Anyway, good news that the next version will fix a lot of these problems!

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:28 pm
by Wasabi
This thread reminded me of a handful of DVDs I had ripped a while back that MakeMKV didn't like. I stuck them in a "problems" folder so I could submit all the logs at once and promptly forgot about them. So I fired up the latest MakeMKV today and every last one of them worked!

For the record, most were older discs from the James Bond collection. Fantastic! :mrgreen:

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:41 pm
by mikeinessex
spiderman 3 region 2 dvd is still not working after the update of 1.5.6

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 2:31 pm
by mikeinessex
infact all dvds i sent in my info for still do not work

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:39 am
by mike admin
mikeinessex wrote:infact all dvds i sent in my info for still do not work
Sounds interesting. Do you see any changes from 1.5.5 at all?

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:28 am
by mikeinessex
not really. it may of tried harder to debug then before but the outcome of each dvd it still the same with errors and when they error

Re: A few failed DVD's

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:18 am
by danielg
This thread is only 12 years old.

But I did want to say - MakeMKV struggled for quite some time with my Region 1 "Fun with Dick and Jane" DVD.

However, it eventually succeeded and ripped it just fine! No fatal errors like in post #1. Even found both the fullscreen and widescreen titles.

Always great to see a product that just gets better...