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Audio not synched
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:42 am
by nismojunkie
I have attempted to makemkv with two seperate blu-ray images that I had backed up with AnyDVDHD to an .iso.
In both cases the mkv was successfully created with no errors but the audio is out of synch with the video, and at times seems as if the video is playing slower that the audio track.
If I mount the iso's in magic disc, and play with Power DVD, they run perfectly.
When I setup the software, I only checked the main movie, and unchecked all non-english audio.
I have tried the process on two separate computers (both are pretty powerful Vista Ultimate 64bit machines) with the same results.
Any idea's on what could cause this?
Re: Audio not synched
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:16 am
by mike admin
nismojunkie wrote:I have attempted to makemkv with two seperate blu-ray images that I had backed up with AnyDVDHD to an .iso.
In both cases the mkv was successfully created with no errors but the audio is out of synch with the video, and at times seems as if the video is playing slower that the audio track.
If I mount the iso's in magic disc, and play with Power DVD, they run perfectly.
When I setup the software, I only checked the main movie, and unchecked all non-english audio.
I have tried the process on two separate computers (both are pretty powerful Vista Ultimate 64bit machines) with the same results.
Any idea's on what could cause this?
It sounds very strange. What type of video codec is used (h264 or vc-1)? Also, I would appreciate if you can make a simple test:
1) download tsMuxER from
2) convert MKV into M2TS
3) try to play M2TS file produced from MKV with PowerDVD and see if it plays correctly.
Thank you!
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:05 am
by nismojunkie
I've tried the method you asked and what I have gotten for results are as follows.
Movie: Resident Evil Degeneration
Created MKV from entire disc, removing all but english language. This resulted in 12 or so separate files such as previews. All preview videos had no issues with the audio matching the video. There were a few other videos tho that were the main movie and some other short movies from the special features that have audio sync issues.
I am currently playing with the audio delay settings in TSMuxer and am getting closer to matching the audio up. I will try some other titles after I get a decent and enjoyable result from this movie.
Does this give you any other ideas?
What app can I use to convert this back to an mkv after tsmuxer?
Thanks for your time!
EDIT - I've tried another blu-ray, Horton Hears a Who. Same results. Even on the short movie titled "Surviving Sid". Anything that is of any significant length ends up out of sync but it seems that all the previews are unaffected.
Re: Audio not synched
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:39 am
by nismojunkie
nice to hear back from you...e v e r...
Re: Audio not synched
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:00 am
by mike admin
Sorry, somehow missed your post:(
We've never seen this before, it's more than strange. Anyway,thank you, we'll keep this in mind and try to do something about it.
Re: Audio not synched
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:02 pm
by nismojunkie
I apologize for lashing out. i have just been frustrated at the multitude of people that seem to post good results on this type of "editing" and I have had poor results no matter what I try.
Let me start over with the system specs, and if you would, please tell me what you think as far as good unough to process this, or not good enough. Please keep in mind, that with the following system, I regularly use ANYDVD HD to copy to image Blu-Ray movies. I have done this on 15 movies or more. I have played these movies on another system that is more powerful and have had decent playback performance but some stuttering here and there due to the CPU simply being maxed out.
Lets start with the first machine, The machine I use to rip to iso with ANY DVD HD.
OS: Vista Ult 64bit
Mobo: Giga-Byte
CPU: AMD AthlonXP 64 4200+
Memory: DDR400 2GB
Video: SLI Nvidia 7600GS 512MB
HDD: Samsung Spinpoint 7600RPM 1TB SATA
Optical drive: LG Blu-Ray (reader only)
Playback of Blu-Ray on this machine is sporatic at best. The processor seems to max out and there is a lot of stutter. I have had many other .mkv's and the like that have been repackaged from Blu-Ray play fine however and that is what set me out on the journey of converting Blu-Ray to a more easily played back format on this machine.
What are your thoughts based on this information?
Again, thank you for your time. I shouldn't have lashed out. I should have said anyone there?

Re: Audio not synched
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:30 am
by mike admin
It's really hard to understand why you have this problem, even with all detailes you provided:( sorry...
Could you please try to use some other players? Latest VLC version?
Re: Audio not synched
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:49 pm
by nismojunkie
Yes, I'll try VLC and see what I get for results.
Re: Audio not synched
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:41 am
by mike admin
Good luck, we'll wait for the results!