
Everything related to MakeMKV
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Post by TexasGrillChef » Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:39 am

MakeMKV once it reads a BR disk or a BR folder, it of course creates a list of possible movie tracks to create MKV's with.

On some BR's the list of possible movie tracks is just a few. 5-10. On some BR's the list of possible movie files to decode exceed more than 30-40. All of which can be video tracks well over 10 min in length. On some BR's even though there maybe only a couple of movie files to choose from, the sub check boxes that allow you to choose subtitle tracks, audio tracks and in some cases even video tracks can also sometimes reach well over 50 check boxes.

More then 20 of my BR's actually have movie files, with the option to choose 20 different audio tracks, and 20 different subtitle tracks.

I even had a disk where there were well over 100 check boxes!

So my suggestion.... I would like to see an option, where one click of the mouse will automatically UNSELECT ALL checkboxes. So that I can then go back and just select the 5 or 6 boxes that I do want.

Option 2 to this suggestion, would be allow us to set the default of the checkboxes all UNCHECKED. It would be an option in PREFERENCES.
This way instead of the default of all the checkboxes ALWAYS being checked. It would come up and NO check boxes are checked. Then allowing us to check only those boxes for the tracks that we wish to use.


Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:28 pm

Re: Suggestion

Post by Ripman » Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:22 pm

How about using the right-click "select/deselect all" option? Right-click in the list of available titles, and you will see the function you desire.

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