USB 3.0 External BluRay ROM Rip Speeds

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USB 3.0 External BluRay ROM Rip Speeds

Post by mrdamour » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:49 am

I'm reaching out to see if anyone has a reliable and fast BR Read/Write External Drive they recommend. I've got one currently but using MakeMKV can only get about 1.5 or 2x speed (even though the drive is supposed to get 6x read speeds). My current drive hooks up via USB 2.0.

I realize the speed and quality of the drive makes a difference, and there are newer burners on the market that bump speeds up a bit, but I was wondering if the move to USB 3.0 (a few burners out have this) would increase the throughput and subsequently speed up the disc ripping process.

I appreciate any input.


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Re: USB 3.0 External BluRay ROM Rip Speeds

Post by SidebandSamurai » Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:39 am


I have heard that a lot of the BD drives have rip protection built into the firmware. Basically what you have to do is find the manufacturer of the drive then look for a patched firmware which removes the rip protection. Google around its how I came across the problem, though I don't own a BD player yet.

For the external drive you will have to remove the drive from the case and connect directly to the SATA port to complete the flash process.

Good Luck

Sideband Samurai

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Re: USB 3.0 External BluRay ROM Rip Speeds

Post by JohnYaya » Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:20 pm

I prefer buying the internal drive and enclosure separately, and full sized drives will always perform better and last longer than slot drives. Then you can get the features you want and the price is always lower in the end. I use an Optiarc 7261S and a Bytecc USB 3.0 enclosure. Total price several months ago was under $100 at and I get rip speeds with good discs of over 5x using USB 2.0, but it will vary depending on where it is reading from on the disc at the moment.

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Re: USB 3.0 External BluRay ROM Rip Speeds

Post by DaveQ » Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:32 am

Moving that drive to a USB 3.0 enclosure won't help.

You need a faster drive. You may be interested in this discussion -- read all the way to the end:



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