[FEATURE REQUEST] Being able to save chapters of a movie

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[FEATURE REQUEST] Being able to save chapters of a movie

Post by DukeFleed » Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:29 am

I don't know if it's already been asked, but I would like MakeMKV to give the possibility to copy the chapters of a movie that one wants, above all to exclude at least the final ones.

Let me explain: yesterday I was copying The Island, a 2005 movie. Well, when I got a few seconds from the end MakeMKV finds an error and the copy fails. I clean the disk, try again but nothing. So I try to check on my Bluray player connected to the TV, I fast forward and in fact there is a microblock of a couple of seconds in the last 6 minutes of the movie, those of the end credits.

Now, in my opinion, MakeMKV should be more flexible. Due to an error in the credits it is not possible to copy a movie that you see, but it would be enough to exclude the final chapters concerning the credits and thus it could be copied. To make a backup copy I had to use Handbrake, obviously excluding the final two chapters which concern the credits.

I don't know if it is possible to implement this functionality, but in my opinion it could be very useful.

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