As demoed in the string below, there are numerous undocumented tokens defined for track selection
I cant find any documentation as to what tokens exist and where sample track selection examples have been provided, scant information is available for what the tokens mean.
Sure, some can be inferred. But at least for me, Im left completely confused.
I dont have any idea what "core" means. Nor exactly what havemulti means. I have 2 or 3 ideas what it might mean, but its far from obvious.
For example, what does "single" mean. Does it mean
* Single video track?
* Single audio track?
* Single subtitle track?
* Single track of any type?
* Single track in the the selected favorite language?
* If it matches single subtitle track in favorite language, would forced and normal subtitles count as single or multi?
Can I select all aac tracks? Probably. Someone will likely respond with "+sel:ac3". Which leads to are DTS, FLAC, Atmos, stereo, 5.1, 6.1, Dolby EX tokens defined?
Can someone point me to a complete list of defined tokens and their meaning?
If this is too much, how about the .h header file where these tokens are at least defined.
I paid $60 for MMKV. It works well. I would just like to be able to configure it for my needs.
Even just a list without their definitions would be a start.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.