Feature request: custom filenames for titles

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Feature request: custom filenames for titles

Post by daiei27 » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:11 am

I can't rip multiple discs to the same location because the naming always starts from title00.mkv. Easiest addition would be to check if any already exist and, if so, start incrementing from there. Also, starting from 01 instead of 00 would be more user-friendly. :)

People often have naming conventions they need to use for scrapers and such so it'd be even better to allow for custom filenames. A prefix would be simple to implement, perhaps under where the location is specified. Someone specifies "MY_SHOW - S1E" and the incrementing title number is appended for every file created. MY_SHOW - S1E1.mkv, MY_SHOW - S1E2.mkv, etc. This would save a TON of copy/pasting title names and files after ripping lots of discs!

Thanks for the great program and keep up the good work!

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