Failing to create mkv

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Failing to create mkv

Post by bugoy8 » Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:49 am

Hi, hope someone can help me determine what's causing this. Movie is "Two Weeks Notice".

Here's the log:

Code: Select all

Opening dvd files on harddrive at D:/TWO_WEEKS_NOTICE/TWO_WEEKS_NOTICE/VIDEO_TS/
Complex multiplex encountered - 56 cells and 364 VOBUs have to be scanned. This may take some time, please be patient - it can't be avoided.
Navigation information for Vobu 307415 conflicts with cell 9 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 388792 conflicts with cell 16 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 419672 conflicts with cell 22 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 492222 conflicts with cell 29 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 505800 conflicts with cell 35 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 554775 conflicts with cell 41 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 586413 conflicts with cell 47 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 680509 conflicts with cell 55 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 772818 conflicts with cell 62 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 857648 conflicts with cell 70 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 967850 conflicts with cell 77 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 1224568 conflicts with cell 87 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 1597003 conflicts with cell 96 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Navigation information for Vobu 1857756 conflicts with cell 106 playback information. Using cell information. (structure protection?)
Title #0 was added (112 cell(s), 1:40:43)
Operation sucessfully completed
Saving 1 titles into directory D:/DVDs [SD Not Compressed]
Failed to save title 0 to file D:/DVDs [SD Not Compressed]/title00.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed
Any ideas?

mike admin
Posts: 4075
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am

Re: Failing to create mkv

Post by mike admin » Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:42 am

Please enable "log debug messages" in preferences menu, restart the program, do the same steps and post the log file here. It will contain additional debug information that will help troubleshoot the problem.

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