Evaluation period has expired

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Evaluation period has expired

Post by Daxelinho » Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:38 pm

Since a few days I experienced two errors/warnings which made it impossible for me to use the program.

The first one is

"Evaluation period has expired. Please purchase an activation key if you've found this application useful. You may still use all free functionality without any restrictions."

I hit "OK" and click on help>register and put in the beta key and put in the beta key and it tells me to restart.

After I did another message appears: "Your temporary key has expired and was removed. Please restart the application". After that a third warning appears: "This application version is too old. Please download the latest version at http://www.makemkv.com/ or enter a registration key to continue using the current version."
I just recently downloaded the setup.

The About-page shows the following:

License type: freeware
Evaluation: Ended
This version expires: Sat Oct 20 2018 [79 day(s)]

Such a thing never happend to me in the time I've been using MakeMKV (about 1 or 2 years). Does this mean, I have to purchase a key now? I'm just curious because the program says i will not expire until in 79 days.

Thanks for any replies


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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by Woodstock » Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:35 pm

The beta key is expired right now. To run MakeMKV until Mike updates the beta key message, you will need to set your system DATE back to before the expiration (20 July is good), start MakeMKV, then you can reset your system date to current.

The date on the beta key message won't change, but you'll see the "good through" portion of the message change to (probably) end of September.

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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by TheTerrorBeyond » Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:10 pm

You stated that you have used the application for two years. Don't you think that it is time to pay the developer for his EXCELLENT work? Please just buy the application.
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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by spl147 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:16 pm

Daxelinho wrote:Since a few days I experienced two errors/warnings which made it impossible for me to use the program.

The first one is

"Evaluation period has expired. Please purchase an activation key if you've found this application useful. You may still use all free functionality without any restrictions."

I hit "OK" and click on help>register and put in the beta key and put in the beta key and it tells me to restart.

After I did another message appears: "Your temporary key has expired and was removed. Please restart the application". After that a third warning appears: "This application version is too old. Please download the latest version at http://www.makemkv.com/ or enter a registration key to continue using the current version."
I just recently downloaded the setup.

The About-page shows the following:

License type: freeware
Evaluation: Ended
This version expires: Sat Oct 20 2018 [79 day(s)]

Such a thing never happend to me in the time I've been using MakeMKV (about 1 or 2 years). Does this mean, I have to purchase a key now? I'm just curious because the program says i will not expire until in 79 days.

Thanks for any replies

WOW 1-2 years and still complaining about the key? The easiest solution is BUY the Program! support the developer, and stop freeloading!

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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by annisman » Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:26 pm

Buy it man ! Think of all the headaches MakeMKV has saved you ! Take half the money you would have spent on Tylenol and buy a lifetime key :D

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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by fredric » Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:55 am

I agree that MakeMKV is useful but not irreplaceable.
I'll agree to buy a license, except that it comes down to buying a pirate software (how long is it going to drop the protections) and it's MUCH too expensive for free software.

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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by Woodstock » Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:36 pm

Trying to parse your message, and having some trouble with some of the phrases.

"buying pirate software" - Since the author of the software is Mike, and he's the one selling it, how is it "pirate software"?

"(how long is it going to drop the protections)" - How long is WHAT going to drop WHICH protections?

"it's MUCH too expensive for free software" - I do not recall seeing a message in the last 8 years I've been here where Mike (you know, the author of the program) described it as "free software", except to say that it was free to use (with restrictions) while it is still in beta. Those restrictions are that the beta key expires 6 times per year, and you do have to undergo some tedious actions to keep the Bluray functionality "alive", if you don't buy a permanent key of your very own. The license price has not changed, except for currency conversion rates, in those 8+ years. And the permanent license key I purchased in January 2011 has not expired.

It's fine if you're so "fiscally challenged" after purchasing you DVDs, BDs, and UHDs that you're coming up with explanations to justify not buying a license. The cost of continuing to use MakeMKV without a permanent key is dealing with the above-mentioned restrictions. Others have done the math, too. We came to the conclusion that it is worth supporting the author.

As for "irreplaceable", MakeMKV is not the most OR least expensive alternative out there. There are free rippers (at least for DVD). There are ones that charge a yearly license fee that exceeds MakeMKV's one-time cost.

And I certainly wouldn't want to try to do without it, faced with digging out any one of the thousands of disks I've ripped with it, just to watch some video.

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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by Kylerovansek » Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:06 am

I did the 30 day trial period and th error message came up that states the trial period has expired please purchase the program to continue. I did purchase the program and reicieced 2 emails from paypro global. It has a license key but makemkv pops up the error message again when I try to rip a blu ray disc? Not sure what I'm doing wrong?


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Re: Evaluation period has expired

Post by dcoke22 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:26 am

If you show the About MakeMKV screen, what does the 'License type:' say? It should say Registered if you've got a license key.

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