MKV vs MP4

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MKV vs MP4

Post by chuckles » Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:32 pm

I tried to stream the MKV files that I obtained from the MakeMKV application. However, my Sony internet televisions indicate Content Not Supported. Do I have to convert all of the MKV files to MP4 (a format that is supported)? If so, what is the best application to utilize to convert these and keep all of the audio and subtitle content?

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Re: MKV vs MP4

Post by Woodstock » Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:08 pm

Short answer, YES.

Longer answer, "Smart" is a relative term, and "smart TVs" are only smart when compared to regular monitors. The manufacturers will tag them as "Smart" if they can play web content, which uses a small subset of video formats. Sony TVs are somewhat LESS smart than LG and Samsung, and support the bare minimum of formats to cover Youtube and Netflix.

You can either use something like handbrake (from to convert video using a profile that matches your TV, use Plex to recode the video "on the fly" as it sends it to the TV, or add a really smart box onto the TV, that supports more formats. And the 3rd option should be the first option, because it gives the most flexibility. I use options 1 and 3 together, because I feed video to a Samsung TV, a couple of Amazon FireTV sticks, and my media player (option 3).

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Re: MKV vs MP4

Post by chuckles » Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:34 am

Thank you for your reply. However, I have some of the MKV files actually do play. I have just discovered that it is due to High Data rate and Total bitrate for these MKV files that do not play. I have a new post for this. See

Thank you.

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