v1.10.4 winx64 hangs at startup - appears to scan

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v1.10.4 winx64 hangs at startup - appears to scan

Post by wrxmarcus » Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:31 pm

I recently updated to the new version of MakeMKV Beta v1.10.4 for Windows (running Windows 7 SP1).
I have 3 Drives. DVD, BluRay, BluRay writer. The writer is the only drive the works consistently with anything, so that is all I use and all that is used below.
The program no longer appears to work.
It worked perfectly before this.

I downloaded the new version with the plan to purchase it for use with BluRays. However, I had issues immediately. I tried to use the new beta trial key, but I have similar issues:

(1) After rebooting and starting it says it is scanning device "SPTI:\Device\CdRom0". Note there are no CDRoms/DVDs in the player (but there is on BluRay in the BluRay Writer Drive).
- The progress bars do not progress.
- I attempted to access the menu to register, but I could only see the "About" and "Purchase" (takes you to the website) options.
- Restarted and tried multiple times.
- After cancelling the operation and waiting a few minutes, it did come back.

(2) At this point I was able to enter the trail registration key.
- I restated the program.
- The Information field shows it is scanning my BluRay.
- Usually it says 100% complete immediately but appears to hang there.
- Twice it has gotten past this, but does not let me click the Drive picture (icon) to open it. The Open Disc option has my drive grayed-out.
The log cannot be opened, but this is what is on the screen:

<start log>
MakeMKV v1.10.4 win(x64-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as C:\Users\Marcus/MakeMKV_log_1.txt
DEBUG: Code 2264989762 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:213139759
DEBUG: Code 2264989762 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:213139759
DEBUG: Code 2264989762 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:213139759
DEBUG: Code 2264989762 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:213139759
DEBUG: Code 2264989762 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:213139759
DEBUG: Code 117506114 at "HOh;_9%0OY=(E:213131962
Error 'Internal error - Operation was cancelled (66)' occurred while issuing SCSI command 460200010..00100 to device 'SPTI:\Device\CdRom0'
DEBUG: Code 0 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:121270214
DEBUG: Code 0 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:213135504
DEBUG: Code 0 at ykyW$as]>= |YC]D:121267247
<end log>

If I remove the Blu Ray disc, it goes back to #(1) above where it attempts to scan the CDRom drive.

Any ideas?
I will note that I installed DVDFox(HD) earlier today, but it is currently exited and set not to autostart.

Thank you,

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Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:21 pm

Re: v1.10.4 winx64 hangs at startup - appears to scan

Post by Woodstock » Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:12 am

The debug codes are going to have to be deciphered by the author (Mike), so I'd suggest send an email to support@makemkv.com with a link to this topic.

Posts: 162
Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:58 pm

Re: v1.10.4 winx64 hangs at startup - appears to scan

Post by jinx100 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:25 pm

Have you tried another BluRay disk? I had one badly printed disk which MakeMKV tried to read then ended indicating no BluRay drive present. Even a BluRay player had trouble with that disk.

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