GUI Wonky on 4k Display

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GUI Wonky on 4k Display

#1 Post by Gronnie » Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:34 pm

Hi, love the product, donated a long time ago.

I recently updated to 4k displays, and the GUI looks terrible on them. Words are cut off, etc.

Any plans to fix this sometime soon?

OS is W8.1 Pro, might have something to do with its built in display scaling?

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Re: GUI Wonky on 4k Display

#2 Post by Woodstock » Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:22 pm

Most likely you have selected a larger font size for the 4K display. On my 39" display, I set it to the same font resolution as used for 1080, and the window looks fine.

Try resizing the MakeMKV window, to give the larger fonts space.

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Re: GUI Wonky on 4k Display

#3 Post by tillig » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:16 pm

I just upgraded my laptop to have a 4K display and I'm running into the same thing. Resizing the MakeMKV window doesn't help - it seems the way the Windows UI is coded it's not taking into account the "Change the text size of apps" OS setting that is used for both accessibility and high resolution displays. Other apps (e.g., Handbrake, browsers, etc.) take it into account correctly, which indicates to me that the fonts on the Windows GUI are set to a fixed pixel size and aren't resizable.

Anyway, it makes for a tough user experience. I've had to resort to getting the Windows Magnifier tool into play to see things.

Here's a screen shot showing the issue. The title bar and File/View menu items are the correct size for my display and readable. The other text is very small, nearly illegibly small, because it doesn't obey the OS text resize settings.


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