Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

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Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#1 Post by bpwhistler » Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:11 pm

This method was determined by TempGuy1. His method will work on a Mac or Windows machine. TempGuy1 is the man. He figured out a great work around. It is flawless...but requires some personal work. If you don't want to put a few minutes work into this...keep watching the forums for people that have figured it out and posted their results. If you want to do it's the answer. It really doesn't take that long to get through 15-20 chapters and 'puzzle' them together.

As a Mac user without access to AnyDVD...this is a life saver. For Windows users that don't want to pay for AnyDVD, this will save you money.

I outlined the process for a Mac.
1. Find BD Runtime
  • a. Open BD in a 'regular' BD TV player (or however you want to get the exact runtime for YOUR disc). Disc versions are different.
    b. Check EXACT runtime once main title starts
2. Backup BD
  • a. Open BD with MakeMKV
    b. Select File>Backup
    • i. Select 'Decrypt video files' option
    c. Click 'OK'
3. Find correct titles
  • a. Click on disc image in MakeMKV or select File>Open Disc
    b. Scan list for titles with matching run times
4. Find correct segments...remember that not all discs will have the same map. Many discs won't even have the same segment numbers. Find your own.
  • a. On each 'correct' title, look under "info: Title Information" for the 'Segment map.'
    b. Write down the segments for each 'correct' title, ignoring duplicates
5. Map the segments...remember that not all discs will have the same map. Many discs won't even have the same segment numbers. Find your own.
  • a. Go to the backup of the disc
    b. Right click on the BDMV file
    • i. Select 'Show Package Contents'
    c. Select the 'Stream' folder
    d. Open the segments determined under 'Find correct segments' (#4) above
    e. Watch the first few seconds (I used VLC on my Mac, TempGuy1 uses Windows Media Player on a Win 7 machine)...then scrub to last few seconds. Some segments with different segment numbers might appear these segments all the way through to check carefully for any discrepancies.
    f. Put the segments in order logically
    e. Choose the title (from your predetermined list of titles with the correct runtime) that exactly matches the segment order you just determined.
6. Select your title...and have MakeMKV do its magic

Or a simpler way might be to complete the outline above through step 3, then for step 4 copy the exact order of each segment map to a text file with it's .mpls filename for each runtime matching title. Then go to the backup and start checking correct segment order for each title. Check the first segment, then the second, etc. As soon as you come to a segment that is out of order...exclude that title. And exclude any other titles with similar orders up to that point. When you have several segments you've determined are in the correct order...exclude other titles that don't have THAT starting order. It won't be long until the list has dwindled to the correct title.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#2 Post by zeroepoch » Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:33 am

For anyone else looking to extract track information in a text format for easier processing try:

Code: Select all

makemkvcon -r info dev:/dev/sr0
Then you can grep the output using the runtime to get the matching tracks and then the segment maps from the matching tracks. You're now back to watching the segments and piecing them together.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#3 Post by hibbityjibbity » Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:19 pm

I don't have a "backup" option. The backup button is on the toolbar, but greyed out. No backup option in the textual menu either.

I am not trying to hijack this thread, and I'll search elsewhere on why my backup button is greyed out, but I'm bummed I can't use this process...

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#4 Post by ndjamena » Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:15 am

1: Backup only works on Blu Ray discs.
2: You need to choose backup BEFORE you scan the disc, once you begin a scan the button gets greyed out..

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#5 Post by hibbityjibbity » Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:21 am

ndjamena wrote:1: Backup only works on Blu Ray discs.
2: You need to choose backup BEFORE you scan the disc, once you begin a scan the button gets greyed out..
Ah. That did it. Thx.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#6 Post by Rich364 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:11 pm

I may have missed it... so please be patient with me. But within the simpler process at the bottom of the instructions, how do you complete the step "Then go to the backup and start checking correct segment order for each title". Should I look inside the Stream Folder as discussed in Step 5?

If that's where I'm supposed to look, the files within the Stream Folder are sorted alphabetically... and therefore don't show the order that they are played with the movie (so I guess you can't simply check the order within the Stream Folder and compare it to the segment maps of each title with a matching run time).

Which leads me to believe that the process in determining the segment order will require my memory of the movie... and playing each segment in the order of the segment map for each title with the same run time. Is that the case? If so, that will really be difficult for movies I have not seen yet.

Please help me to understand if I'm missing how I should be doing this.


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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#7 Post by Wasabi » Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:46 am

Rich364 wrote:I may have missed it... so please be patient with me. But within the simpler process at the bottom of the instructions, how do you complete the step "Then go to the backup and start checking correct segment order for each title". Should I look inside the Stream Folder as discussed in Step 5?

If that's where I'm supposed to look, the files within the Stream Folder are sorted alphabetically... and therefore don't show the order that they are played with the movie (so I guess you can't simply check the order within the Stream Folder and compare it to the segment maps of each title with a matching run time).

Which leads me to believe that the process in determining the segment order will require my memory of the movie... and playing each segment in the order of the segment map for each title with the same run time. Is that the case? If so, that will really be difficult for movies I have not seen yet.

Please help me to understand if I'm missing how I should be doing this.

Sounds like you understand just fine :D

The "segment map" in MakeMKV is the list, in order, of .m2ts files in your STREAM folder. So a segment map of 1,7,48,72 means 00001.m2ts + 00007.m2ts + 00048.m2ts + 00072.m2ts will be your movie. And yeah, this procedure is completely useless if you don't know the movie. Obviously it's easy enough to find the opening/closing credits and one or two "middle" pieces, but there are often waaaaay more pieces to put together, and of course you'll already need to be familiar with the film :?

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#8 Post by robertsd » Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:35 pm

I'm sure this method works well. My problem is, there are 66 playlists with the same name and total length. Only difference between playlists are the order of segment numbers. The big issue is there are 15 segments. That is way too many combinations and extremely time consuming. I'm going to go through the exercise once to see if I can provide any shortcuts.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#9 Post by Rich364 » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:02 pm

Thanks Wasabi... I figured that was the answer... I'm just disappointed since the solution is no real solution at all. I'm not willing to watch a movie in segments in order to piece it together in hopes that I'm correct when I eventually sit down to watch it.

I wish I understood the technology behind it - then I could understand how an old Blue-Ray player could determine the segment sequence on a BR Disc while there's no similar method for my modern computer to use and then subsequently relay the information to me. I mean, the BR player must access something that tells it how to read the Disc... can't we find a way to access that same information? But again, like I mentioned, I wish understood the process better.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#10 Post by rjbell4 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:31 am

I tried the command "makemkvcon -r info dev:/dev/sr0", and while it "works", I don't see runtimes (except for those skipped due to being too short) or segment lists in the output. Am I missing something? Is there a way to get that in the output?

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#11 Post by ndjamena » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:34 am

It's all here:

Code: Select all

  <Title Number="0" Name="The Flash Season 1 Disc 1" ChapterCount="2" Duration="0:00:08" DiskSize="1.8 MB" DiskSizeBytes="1959936" SourceFileName="00000.mpls" SegmentsCount="2" SegmentsMap="38,40" OutputFileName="The_Flash_Season_1_Disc_1_t00.mkv" MetadataLanguageCode="eng" MetadataLanguageName="English" TreeInfo="The Flash Season 1 Disc 1 - 2 chapter(s) , 1.8 MB" PanelTitle="<b>Title information</b><br>" OrderWeight="0">
See, Duration, SegmentsMap. I wish it would output chapter times as well, that would help with DVDs... oh right, and all the other stuff as well.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#12 Post by rjbell4 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:59 pm

ndjamena wrote:It's all here:

Code: Select all

  <Title Number="0" Name="The Flash Season 1 Disc 1" ChapterCount="2" Duration="0:00:08" DiskSize="1.8 MB" DiskSizeBytes="1959936" SourceFileName="00000.mpls" SegmentsCount="2" SegmentsMap="38,40" OutputFileName="The_Flash_Season_1_Disc_1_t00.mkv" MetadataLanguageCode="eng" MetadataLanguageName="English" TreeInfo="The Flash Season 1 Disc 1 - 2 chapter(s) , 1.8 MB" PanelTitle="<b>Title information</b><br>" OrderWeight="0">
See, Duration, SegmentsMap. I wish it would output chapter times as well, that would help with DVDs... oh right, and all the other stuff as well.
Wow, that's way different than what I have. My output isn't even XML like that. I'm running "MakeMKV v1.9.7 linux(x64-release)". I'm a licensed user (I got tired of needing to update the license key, and wanted to support Mike).

I only see output like the following:

Code: Select all

$ makemkvcon -r info dev:/dev/sr0 | grep 800.mpls
MSG:3307,0,2,"File 00800.mpls was added as title #3","File %1 was added as title #%2","00800.mpls","3"
MSG:3309,0,2,"Title 00803.mpls is equal to title 00800.mpls and was skipped","Title %1 is equal to title %2 and was skipped","00803.mpls","00800.mpls"
$ makemkvcon -r info dev:/dev/sr0 | grep -i segment

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#13 Post by ndjamena » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:37 pm ... 172#p42172

My script stores the makemkv output as xml.

I'm just pointing out that duration and the segment map are actually available via command line.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#14 Post by rjbell4 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:59 pm

Thanks. That script helps me see how the TINFO lines relate. I didn't understand the format before, and had somehow missed the segment map in there.

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Re: Determining correct title on BD with MULTIPLE titles

#15 Post by ndjamena » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:03 pm

This is from the component of MakeMKV that is available as source code to make it compatible with the differing interfaces of the various versions of linux:

Code: Select all

typedef enum _AP_ItemAttributeId
} AP_ItemAttributeId;

Code: Select all

static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_DirectorsComments=1;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_AlternateDirectorsComments=2;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_ForVisuallyImpaired=4;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_CoreAudio=256;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_SecondaryAudio=512;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_HasCoreAudio=1024;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_DerivedStream=2048;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_ForcedSubtitles=4096;
static const unsigned int AP_AVStreamFlag_ProfileSecondaryStream=16384;

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