WH16NS40-NS50 set DVD region 8

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WH16NS40-NS50 set DVD region 8

#1 Post by Beast » Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:01 pm

WH16NS40-NS50 Flashed with HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin from latest rom pack 200720.zip

I used makemkv (1.15.2) to rip a blu ray disk, I think it said using sdf 62. The rip went fine, no problems. But after the rip I put a DVD in the drive and Windows 7 would not play the DVD, saying that the DVD did not match my region. According to windows the DRIVE was set to region (8) and the disk was region (1). I checked in device manager and the drive reported set to region (1) and that I had 4 changes left.

Just as a test I did selected USA for region (1) and hit enter. The change counter remained at 4. Tried the to play the DVD again and still got the same error of region missmacth. Shutdown the PC and rebooted. Now DVD played fine, and the drive's change counter was still at 4.

In the past I have never had any problems with a DVD after ripping some Blu ray disks.
BTW region 8 = International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships and spacecraft.

Has anyone else ever have this happen to them, just wondering ??

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