Region 2 DVD

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Region 2 DVD

Post by bubbascant »

I have an Asus BW-16D 1HT Blu Ray drive in my computer. I have updated the software with Libre firmware 3.10 which is enabled and it shows this in my MakeMKV software:

DVD all regions: Yes

I followed guidance in this forum that using this update would allow for burning 4K Blu Ray movies, which it does fine, as well as allowing playback/ripping of other regions. I am purchasing a hard-to-find TV series in Region 2, which is not U.S. region 1 obviously. I have not tested this particular region yet and hope to get confirmation that it will do as expected (playback/ripping regions other than U.S. Region 1). If this is not true, is there any further guidance as to what to do next?

I know you can adjust the regions according to Asus website shown below but I'd rather not have to do that, plus I'm not sure what to expect. I appreciate the feedback. I have a fully licensed/paid for version of MakeMKV. Thanks so much!

All ASUS optical disc drive have locked region code.

You can modify the region code for up to five time for each optical disc drive.
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Re: Region 2 DVD

Post by dcoke22 »

MakeMKV should just work your region 2 discs just like any other DVD.
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Re: Region 2 DVD

Post by bubbascant »

Is that because I updated the Asus Blu Ray drive with the Libre flash so it would rip 4K movies and play all regions? I was not able to rip 4K before I did this flash update and now I can. But I have not tried any other DVD or Blu Ray that is not region 1 so I was just wondering.

You're right, I'm sure.

Just curious and wondering if I had not done this flash update per forum suggestions on this site, would it not do region 2? Using my Asus drive and MakeMKV, I know for sure it wouldn't do 4K until I did that because I tried. It was a U.S. 4K disc and I could not get it to rip. Once I did the flash update, it worked.

I'm getting this region 2 disc in the next few days. I'll post a reply if I am unsuccessful.

Thank you!
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Re: Region 2 DVD

Post by dcoke22 »

bubbascant wrote:
Fri Aug 02, 2024 8:41 pm
Is that because I updated the Asus Blu Ray drive with the Libre flash so it would rip 4K movies and play all regions?

There's a post titled What is LibreDrive? that gives a pretty good explanation of what it means to have a LibreDrive enabled drive. It is probably worth reading to understand in a bit more detail.
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Re: Region 2 DVD

Post by bubbascant »

Terrific, thanks so much. And thanks for putting the link on your reply. I'll read that over. I followed the guidance herein back when I did it and it should work so thanks for confirming that.

I really appreciate it.
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