Can't change source anymore

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:41 pm

Can't change source anymore

Post by Spelonk »

Hello all.
I have ripped a few DVD's. So far so good. But now I want to rip dvd/video_TS.IFO files on harddisk. I click on " Open files:
MakeMKV v1.17.5 win(x64-release) started
Opening files on harddrive at F:/The Descent/VIDEO_TS
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #4 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #5 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #6 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #7 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #8 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #9 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #10 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #11 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #12 does not match one in IFO header.
Title #1 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #2 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #3 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #4 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #5 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #6 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #7 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #8 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #9 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #10 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #11 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #12 has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Failed to open disc
It keeps searching for a DVD in my DVD drive ????
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Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:25 pm

Re: Can't change source anymore

Post by dcoke22 »

When a backup of a DVD is created using MakeMKV, it creates a .iso file. Was some other software used to create whatever you're trying to open in MakeMKV?
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:41 pm

Re: Can't change source anymore

Post by Spelonk »

Not that I know off. But it also turned out it was a protected Disc. I rebooted my computer, and Makemkv was working again as it should be. Maybe it was a little bug.
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