External drives get slow after ripping blu-ray

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External drives get slow after ripping blu-ray

Post by CurtHayes »

I’ve got a Windows 10 laptop and three drives: built-in dvd, asus external dvd, and external LG UGD with updated firmware. All was working great after I discovered the ability to set max speed in the registry. Built-in maxxed out at 7x dvd, other two about 6x or maybe a bit more. All good.
That’s until I ripped my first blu-ray. After that both external drives will no longer rip DVDs at more than about 3.5x, while the internal drive is unchanged. I’m pulling my hair out trying to figure out what changed. I stuck troubleshooting with the asus, as that was the faster of the two externals. I tried rebooting, deleting the asus out of the device manager, tried uninstalling makemkv, deleted the registry entry for the app, reinstalled, double-checked the speed setting in the registry (0=99), none of it made any difference. Asus remains slow, internal is about twice as fast.
I love the idea of using two drives but it’s a big pain when one runs half as fast.
Any ideas?
TLDR: two external drives worked great ripping DVDs at 7x until ripped a blu-ray on one of them and now both are slow.
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Re: External drives get slow after ripping blu-ray

Post by dcoke22 »

I assume you've read this: MakeMKV drive speed control

MakeMKV will slow down the read speed if it detects the drive is having trouble reading the disc correctly. Personally, I don't worry all that much read speeds and am more concerned with getting clean rips.

If you've got a big pile of discs to get through, MakeMKV can work with up to 16 drives at the same time. :)
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Re: External drives get slow after ripping blu-ray

Post by CurtHayes »

Thanks for the reply.
I’m more interested in getting this done quickly! :)
Yes, I did the registry edit to enable faster reads.
Understood that it reduces speed when necessary. If it was a disk or two, I’d get it. But it was reading at high speed for every disk prior to reading the blu-ray, and now they’re half as fast. I’d ripped provably 30 disks prior, and now another 15 more, with most of them at 3.5x but the occasional at 7x. Maybe it’s just the disks I’m reading. The built in drive continues to run quickly quite well.
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