Downloading MakeMKV without Internet

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Downloading MakeMKV without Internet

Post by tanini »

Hello. I wanted to use MakeMKV on a Mac with no Internet. So what I did was: I downloaded the program on a different computer, put the program on a flashdrive, and then downloaded the program from the flashdrive to my Mac without Internet. This worked fine for one month. But I now get that message saying "Evaluation period has expired. Please purchase an activation key if you've found this application useful."

Is it possible to purchase the activation key on a computer without Internet? Is there any other way I can re-install a MakeMKV which I can keep on this Mac? Any suggestions of anything I can try? Thanks.
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Re: Downloading MakeMKV without Internet

Post by Woodstock »

Yes, the key can be manually entered (lots of people do it). It's just a pain because it's "so big!!!"
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Re: Downloading MakeMKV without Internet

Post by dcoke22 »

On a computer with internet access, visit:

The key should come to you via email.
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