I often rip TV series on DVD to mkv with your great software.
Now it is a bit annoying when I move to the next DVD to rip of a given series that it restarts output file naming at title00.mkv. This forces me to rip all DVDs to different folders and rename files afterwards.
Fo movies this is OK, but for a TV series, I would lik to be able to rip all DVDs to the same folder, with output filename being incremented each time and restarting to title00.Mkv at each DVD.
Is this possible ? Could you set an option to :
1. let the user choose the prefix name (for example The Experts.s01.e) and thenmakemkv would add the rest (The Experts.s01e00, The Experts.s01e01, and so on...)
2. Include a checkbox to select if the user wants to restart numbering at 00 or not when a new DVD is inserted
This would really be great.
Thanks a lot