Losing Quality in conversion

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Losing Quality in conversion

Post by zaidshakil »


I converted TV show using makemkv and output size is 6GB. Then I compared the quality of video and found that when I am playing with blu ray the video seems to be very crisp and black colors are very sharp and smooth, on the other hand when I played the video extracted by makemkv I see that it has lost the quality the video is grayish and the black colors are not sharp. I thought makemkv supposed to be lossless extractor, Am I wrong ? what could be wrong then ?
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Re: Losing Quality in conversion

Post by Woodstock »

To compare picture quality, you need to play both on the same software.

MakeMKV copies the data straight from the disk, removing the encryption on it. A player capable of playing both the original encrypted data AND the decrypted one should appear identical on the same display, because it's the same data.
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Re: Losing Quality in conversion

Post by zaidshakil »

Woodstock wrote:To compare picture quality, you need to play both on the same software.

MakeMKV copies the data straight from the disk, removing the encryption on it. A player capable of playing both the original encrypted data AND the decrypted one should appear identical on the same display, because it's the same data.
Tried that as well. Using PowerDVD but both looks fairly different specially dark scenes. Grayed out black is clearly visible in extracted file
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