HD-DVD to Blu-ray

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HD-DVD to Blu-ray

Post by ottawaxblade »

I know that some of you are probably rolling your eyes at this one and I apologize.
Before my HD-DVD drive dies, I would like to possibly convert some of my HD-DVD discs to Blu-ray.
Does anyone have a simple, up-to-date tutorial with the latest / newest tools to convert an HD-DVD disc to Blu-ray?

In particular, i'm looking to convert my Heroes Season 1 HD-DVD series to blu-ray as I have the rest of the seasons on blu-ray
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Re: HD-DVD to Blu-ray

Post by setarip_old »


There's certainly nothing about your need that should make anyone roll their eyes, as many of us (myself included) have or have had that very same need. Try the following in order to convert your ripped/decrypted HD-DVDs to BluRay:

1) Open tsMuxeR GUI
2) Click on the "Join" radiobutton and select the first "Feature".EVO. Repeat for each consecutive "Feature".EVO (usually just one more. Almost all HD-DVDs have the main movie comprised of two "Feature" .EVOs
3) Select "BluRay" at the bottom of the window.
4) Click the "Start Muxing" radiobutton

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Re: HD-DVD to Blu-ray

Post by ottawaxblade »

setarip_old wrote:Hi!

There's certainly nothing about your need that should make anyone roll their eyes, as many of us (myself included) have or have had that very same need. Try the following in order to convert your ripped/decrypted HD-DVDs to BluRay:

1) Open tsMuxeR GUI
2) Click on the "Join" radiobutton and select the first "Feature".EVO. Repeat for each consecutive "Feature".EVO (usually just one more. Almost all HD-DVDs have the main movie comprised of two "Feature" .EVOs
3) Select "BluRay" at the bottom of the window.
4) Click the "Start Muxing" radiobutton

Thanks for the reply and the quick guide.
I was wondering, some HD-DVDs have web features (similar to bd-live), is it possible to convert an entire HD-DVD with all it's web functionality and get it to work on blu-ray?
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Re: HD-DVD to Blu-ray

Post by SamuriHL »

ottawaxblade wrote: Thanks for the reply and the quick guide.
I was wondering, some HD-DVDs have web features (similar to bd-live), is it possible to convert an entire HD-DVD with all it's web functionality and get it to work on blu-ray?
No, the formats used are completely different. There's nothing that will give you menus, special features, web content, etc. The best you can do is the main movie (or I guess special features if you know what file(s) they're stored in). Personally I don't bother with converting to blu-ray. I convert everything to MKV, including my HD DVD's. Much easier. :)
Posts: 2136
Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:31 pm

Re: HD-DVD to Blu-ray

Post by setarip_old »

Thanks for the reply and the quick guide.
As always, my pleasure ;>}
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