Netgear Stora Playback Issues

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Netgear Stora Playback Issues

Post by Hairlesswookiee »

Hello, I'm not sure whether it's the Stora's fault, or the program's. I backed up my Iron Man Blu Ray last weekend, and when I started watching it there were a couple scenes that had a few seconds with zero sound during the playback. I didn't bother converting it with Handbrake so I have a feeling that it might just be the large file size that is causing the audio stutter during playback. Does anyone have any suggestions on what my be the culprit?
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Re: Netgear Stora Playback Issues

Post by Hairlesswookiee »

All these people viewing and no suggestions?? Ok, well I think it's the Stora that's causing the problem. I started watching another movie that I ripped, and it played flawlessly on my computer, and was perfect on the Stora until I cut it off at the halfway mark. IMO it might be the Stora having a hard time buffering the playback over the network. I'll try to replicate the problem by watching Iron Man again this weekend.
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Re: Netgear Stora Playback Issues

Post by Icetrips »

it's Netgear Stora who wasn't able to read MakeMKV file correctly.
Since MakeMKV doing a direct copy of a Bluray, it's not optimized for Streaming or for MediaCenter without any playback abilities.

If you re-encore them with Handbrake, this'll be fixed because Handbrake re-encode for Streaming. Streaming is better for hardware who have limited playback abilities.
MakeMKV registered
System: Windows 7 x64 SP1, LG WH10LS30
Playback Devices: Media Player Classic, Samsung DLNA
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