new unrecognizable key

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new unrecognizable key

Post by inlandchris »

Trying to make a copy of James Bond "No Time to Die" on my hard drive and it "Failed to Open". All the other UHD on this "5 Film Collection" work just fine, just the lasted Bond film does not. I am thinking they are using a key not discovered by MakeMKV. However, this disc plays fine on my UHD player.
Oh, I did wash/clean/dry the disk for a second try, failed with same code and "The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted"
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Re: new unrecognizable key

Post by d00zah »

1st off, this should more appropriately be in the UHD discs section, w/ the release name as the subject (if there is no pre-existing topic for the same release).

edit: Email the .tgz, to & post the file name to the respective topic.

Per the UHD FAQ (suggested read):
MakeMKV says that "the volume key is unknown for this disc"?
MakeMKV produces an AACS .tgz dump file whenever you try to open a disc for which the key is unknown, and will report that the dump has been created. Email the dump file to
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