Disc Read Errors - Can't Cancel the Current Operation

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Disc Read Errors - Can't Cancel the Current Operation

Post by briansemerick »

Lately I've been ripping a lot of discs, and some are scratched and therefore will error. When I get a list of errors and it's not going to complete, I want to click the stop button. But when I do, and click OK, it never stops. It just keeps trying I guess, and I have to go into task manager and kill the current operation (which also rarely works for 5-10 minutes). Is this a bug? If you cancel the current operation you would think the software would stop and take you back to the list of options, so you can eject the disc.

I'm on 1.17.6
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Re: Disc Read Errors - Can't Cancel the Current Operation

Post by dcoke22 »

Occasionally one of my drives gets into this state. Sometimes I find ejecting the disc using the button on the front of the drive works. Sometimes I have to turn off the enclosure the drive is in.

As for is this a bug… I'd say sorta, but not really. In an overly simplified way, you can think of MakeMKV as a 3 tier cake. The highest tier is the MakeMKV GUI you interact with. The code talks to the next lowest tier, which is the part of the operating system that interfaces with the optical drive. That code talks to the lowest tier, the actual firmware inside the drive. MakeMKV doesn't really have any control over those lower tiers and if either one of those tiers is behaving badly because of a troublesome disc there isn't much MakeMKV can do about it.
When you click cancel in the MakeMKV GUI, all it can do is request that those lower tiers stop doing whatever they're doing. Those tiers might ignore that request, or put it in the queue of things to do after the never-ending task they're currently working on is finished.
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Re: Disc Read Errors - Can't Cancel the Current Operation

Post by HrdcorECW1637 »

It's been this way forever. No idea why.
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