Make MKV Help

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Make MKV Help

Post by Scorpio »

I have juslooked at my other post and it is a right mess so I thought I would start again What I do know is when MKv first reads the disc you get a list of tittles You find the the highest one with Gb and the most chapters chose that one then it goes to audio menu I know to chose all the English surround systems and delete all others. Now this is the bit that has me foxed is subtitles and forced subtitles in the english there migt be 3 or four of these in English see Screen shot which do i leave and which do I discard or do I leave them all alone. Just one other question When I put the disc and once it has read it it comes up with A;/Video/Iron Man which the goes to my Video folder which one done I then have to transfer the film to my Movies file which can take a futher 30 mins is there a way I can transfer stigght to my Mivie folder which then stop me going to go thoiugh the video folder
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Re: Make MKV Help

Post by Grauhaar »

Sorry to say this, but your posts without dot and comma are difficult to read.

For the output folder select the MakeMKV Preferences -> Video and set the folder naming option and the starting path.

For subtitles usage and understanding read this first: viewtopic.php?p=64126#p64126

It is better to select all wanted tracks and use later f.e VLC to figure it out what is needed and what not. Then use the tool "MKVToolNIX GUI" to remove or reorder the tracks by remuxing a new mkv file.
Good Luck :)
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