star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episodes

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star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episodes

Post by nate500 »

Hello -

I have seen a few other posts related to other seasons of Clone wars but not this issue with Season 1. I recently purchased Seasons 1-5, as well as the lost missions, everything except season 1 seemed to go fine (I read something online related to audio issues in season 5 I haven't watched that far ahead yet to see if I noticed anything or even if getting a replacement disc(s) is still possible.

With season 1, all 3 discs behave the same, they seem to rip ok, but none of the episodes are there - (seems like) all of the extras are there, there are no videos longer than a few minutes out of 60+ tracks. I have tried with makemkv as well as anydvd HD

I do get these errors on disc 1 for example:

Code: Select all

Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading 'DVD+R-DL hp CDDVDW TS-H653R 0E00' at offset '524288'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading 'DVD+R-DL hp CDDVDW TS-H653R 0E00' at offset '1048576'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading 'DVD+R-DL hp CDDVDW TS-H653R 0E00' at offset '32768'
Docs suggest this might be a bad disc though it can still read the disc (disc looks fine and plays perfectly on a standalone blu ray player)

I get the *exact* same errors on Season 2 disc 1 (same offset and everything) those discs ripped episodes without an issue. So I don't think it is a fatal error. I haven't checked if all of the discs from all of the seasons show that error or not, but season 1 is the only one I have issues with.

I am using Handbrake 64-bit along with MakeMkv 1.9.7 on windows 7 64-bit with a "LG Blu-ray Disc Rewriter External eSATA 12x Super Multi Blue LightScribe BE12LU30"

I've had rips fail completely before because of various reasons but have never had this where it rips a bunch of stuff but the main contents appear to be missing.

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Re: star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episode

Post by Woodstock »

Is this the DVD or Bluray version?

My first suggestion would be to follow the instructions in the FAQ linked in my signature, and send the relevant files to for review. There might be information in the debug log that will point to why MakeMKV isn't detecting the episodes.
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Re: star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episode

Post by nate500 »

this is blu ray. I have season 1 DVD ripped from a couple of years ago (forgot which app I did it with but I assume it was handbrake).

I'll check the logs

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Re: star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episode

Post by Yugatha »

Might be a stupid question, but are you using a BluRay drive to rip it? You've said they are bluray discs, but the log shows what is most likely a DVD drive.
mike admin
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Re: star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episode

Post by mike admin »

Code: Select all

Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK' occurred while reading 'DVD+R-DL hp CDDVDW TS-H653R 0E00' at offset '524288'
This is a physical disc error, meaning your drive can't read the data from the disc. Usually it means a scratched disc, but could be a failing drive. /faq/item/7/catid/6
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Re: star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episode

Post by Nonamin »

I've got a similar issue - if I try to back up the discs I get no error messages, but the output is just the features / director talking etc. Weirdly if I make MKVs, I do get the episodes, so not a problem reading data from the disc or with the drive? Did anyone solve this?

Edit: Just thought of something, opening the files as a disc in VLC or MPC still doesn't work, but if I browse to the bdmv folder, then playlist, then open 00000.mpls in MPC I do get one massive title which so far appears to have episodes in. Not sure why but hey, if it works!
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Re: star wars clone wars season 1 - extras only - no episode

Post by h2ofun »

I see this a lot, mainly on BR discs. Sometimes it is a scratched disc. Sometimes it is the reader. Is a real pain.
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