MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

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MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by jimmyjoe »

First I wanted to say I am a new user and this tool is great, thanks! I have used it on 5 blurays so far and am able to rip the movie fine, but on 2 of the 5 I get no chapters.

These ones worked fine:
Pirates of the Caribbean 1
National Treasure 2

These ones are missing chapters:
Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Pirates of the Caribbean 3

For the 3 that worked, when I scan the movie into MakeMKV I can see the title for the movie and it shows me how many chapters. For the 2 that didn't work, after I scan the disc MakeMKV doesn't show any chapters for the movie title, so no surprise that there are not chapters after I rip the movie.

Any ideas?

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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by tony55 »

This question was asked a month ago and so far I don't see any response. Rather than an answer I have the same question.

Some Blurays on the second screen in Makemkv just don't show chapters. (if they don't show them,they won't include them) When using Ripbot on the same BR, chapters are shown and are included in the MKV that program makes.

The rip capability of Makemkv is simple, quick and one step, but if it doesn't include the same chapters that ripbot has the ability to find, than the rip to mkv with chapters for those BRs requires the use of anydvd, ripbot and remuxing.

anyway around this?
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by setarip_old »


Some studios (Disney among them) intentionally create fake titles that, atfirst glance, appear to be the legitimate movie-only titles.
After MakeMKV has provided you with a list of "Titles" in the lefthand pane, scroll through the list. I assure you, you'll find at least one "Title" that shows "a bunch" of Chapters under the caption "Description". It's NOT ALWAYS the first "Title" listed...
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by tony55 »


Not to be disagreeable, but that is not the case re; the BRs that I'm discussing. As jimmeyjoe indicated some BR chapters just don't show up on MakeMKV.

After your post I went back to a simple BD (ripped with dumpHD) that I was working on. I clicked everything and nothing showed chapters. I know it has chapters because BDinfo indicated 24 chapters. So did Ripbot. When used ripbot than remuxed the output, I had a MKV with 24 chapters. The MakeMKV rip had no chapters.

To me this is a serious problem re: the Payware aspect of the software. If I have to rip some BDs with another ripper just so I can get chapters that takes away from the payware benefit of the software.

Once the BD is ripped by another program, everything including the chapters, can be muxed out and remuxed with the chapters.

Put this new remuxed BD into the free aspect of Makemkv and it will convert it with chapters.

It's confusing to me.

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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by setarip_old »

All I can tell you is that I had no such problem with any of the POTC BluRays - or any other BluRay for that matter. The fact that there have been no previous postings of such a problem with these "mature" BluRay discs would appear to indicate that up to the present, this problem hasn't existed.

Perhaps Mike (the admin) can shed some more light on this situation - as well as respond to your (confusing to me) statements about "payware"...
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by tony55 »

My comment re: the payware aspect is that my understanding of the software is that after 30 days it's payware only for ripping. So, if it rips W/O chapters and another ripper is needed than it's only the payware part of the software that's affected. What I'm getting at is that I don't want to use another ripper and go thru all the other programs just to get chapters. I would like to exclusively use MakeMKV. The payware price for this program is fine with me.

Now re: these BDs W/O the chapters showing up let me say that they are only about 10% of what I've tried and it is not only MakeMKV that doesn't show them. I don't know enough about how they chapter a BD. Maybe they use a couple of methods (all of them were VC1 encoded)and only this one method is a problem.

Something I have noticed with these problem BRs is that if ripped to BR on the hard disk and I examine the m2ts with the program MediaInfo, that program also shows no chapters.

My confusion is that I don't know what makes these BRs different and why some programs indicate that the m2ts has chapters and other programs indicate they have no chapters. Yet, in the end, they can be converted with chapters.

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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by setarip_old »


It will still be beneficial for Mike to address your concern.

But for now, I'll ask you two questions, the answers to which may shed some light on things:

1) Is your original source material an original, commercial BluRay disc or something else?

2) Do you have AnyDVDHD running (foreground, background, or otherwise active) when using MakeMKV?

3) Which specific BluRay discs yielded these problematic results for you?

4) What version number of MakeMKV did you use when processing these problematic BluRay discs?
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by tony55 »

Thank you very much for trying to help me.

Firstly, this was not my thread. It was begun by jimmyjoe over a month ago. He listed a few BDs that had no chapters for him and as far as I could tell nothing else was posted on this subject.

Re: your questions to me.
Nothing is running in the background.
The BRs are of the commercial variety.
The BR I was working on was my copy of Terminator 2.
The version of Makemkv was 1410.

I have the new version now but haven't had a chance to try it again. Also, I didn't notice anything in any of the change logs that this problem was addressed.

From my reading on the subject, I gather that in some BRs chapters are just listed as chapters and others include a description. Maybe that's the difference. I don't know.

mike admin
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by mike admin »

This is clearly an error in MakeMKV. Let's be practical and reasonable and avoid flame. I have few points to say:

1. Please copy all CLPI and MPLS files from disc and full makemkv log file, compress them with archiver of your choice and send to .
2. MakeMKV is still in beta. As the main page reads all features are free while in beta, so please be assured that 30-day period will in fact not expire while program is in beta. Formal announcement is coming.
3. If something like that would ever happen after beta, we would instantly email you a personal key to extend the evaluation period until the error is corrected and new version becomes available.
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by tony55 »

Done!! as requested.

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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by catdroid »

I am also having difficulty with some discs.

I do not have AnyDVDHD.

The discs: Pineapple Express; Ice Age.

I have been successful with The Graduate.

At first I thought it was relating to a newer build or other software problem, since I had ripped the Graduate then rebuilt my system and started having trouble with Pineapple and Ice Age. But The Graduate still rips fine for me.

At any rate, is there an update for this issue yet?

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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by tony55 »

Just a short note re: this topic that is related but slightly off topic.
I use MKVs mostly because they have chapters that can be addressed by my Seagate Media player. For some reason, Hd MKVs on this device will only fast forward up tp 2x anything faster 4x to 32x actually results in the FF slowing down. The same movie in ts or m2ts format will FF up to 32x with increasing speed . Evidently the Seagate device has a problem with FF and MKV. So because of this the chapter problem is important to me.

MY WD player on the other hand has the ability to move 10 min ahead with just one click. Each click moves it ahead another 10 min so not having chapters on this device is not a problem.

mike admin
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by mike admin »

Thank you for sending requested files. The error is confirmed and will be corrected in the next version.
mike admin
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Re: MakeMKV doesn't get chapters on some blurays

Post by mike admin »

Corrected in version 1.5.0 available for download.
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