Problems with makemkvcon

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Problems with makemkvcon

Post by TolkienBard »

After spending many months downloading my DVDs and Blu-rays onto 30 TB worth of hard drives, I was rather excited to get up and running with my spiffy new HTPC. Lo and behold, all my movies are either Video-TS (the DVDs) or ISO (the BDs). Needless to say, I was less than thrilled to learn I had screwed up so badly. I really want to make this system work, but converting each and every disc via Makemkv just isn't really an option right now. I simply cannot sit about and enter all the folder info and select all the titles over and over again for nearly 3500 discs.

When I asked around about converting entire drives of movies to mkvs I was told this was possible by launching makemkvcon instead of just the standard makemkv. Unfortunately, when I attempt to launch makemkvcon, a command window briefly flashes on the screen and then disappears. Nothing else happens.

So, I really could use a little help here. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get things up and running in terms of batch converting a few thousand titles to mkv?
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Re: Problems with makemkvcon

Post by Woodstock »

You would not invoke the CLI from explorer - you would write batch files to invoke it, and run those from a command prompt.

I suggestion reading through this thread in the Advanced MakeMKV Usage section:
Posts: 29
Joined: Sun May 18, 2014 7:12 am

Re: Problems with makemkvcon

Post by TolkienBard »

I looked all over, but stayed out of the "Advanced User" stuff. This is awesome. Not only were you able to answer my question, but the solution to my problem is all there in one place, in such a manner that even a programming idiot like myself can understand.

Colour me happy!

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