What to do when an Audio track is too long for the Video...

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What to do when an Audio track is too long for the Video...

Post by ndjamena »

You need powershell, MKVToolnix and MyMediaBatch ( http://www.makemkv.com/forum2/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7800 )

Code: Select all

$TargetDirectory="E:\Make\Iron Man- Armored Adventures"


$OldFolder=$TargetDirectory + "\Old"
if (Get-Item -Path $OldFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    "Old Directory Already Exists."
    New-Item -Path $OldFolder -ItemType "directory"

function Get_Track
    param([string]$InfoLine = "File Blank")
    $InfoLine.Remove($InfoLine.IndexOf(' '))

function Get_Field
    param([string]$InfoLine = "File Blank")
    $Get_Field_Temp=$InfoLine.Remove(0,$InfoLine.IndexOf(' ') + 1)
    if ($Get_Field_Temp.IndexOf(' ') -ge 0)
        $Get_Field_Temp=$Get_Field_Temp.Remove($Get_Field_Temp.IndexOf(' '))

function Get_Data
    param([string]$InfoLine = "File Blank")
    $Get_Data_Temp=$InfoLine.Remove(0,$InfoLine.IndexOf(' ') + 1)
    if ($Get_Data_Temp.IndexOf(' ') -ge 0)
        $Get_Data_Temp.Remove(0,$Get_Data_Temp.IndexOf(' ') + 1)
    } else {

function Get_Info
    param([string]$Get_Info_Track = "File", [string]$Get_Info_Field = "Duration")
    for ($Get_Info_Count=0; $Get_Info_Count -lt $Info.Length; $Get_Info_Count++)
        $Get_Info_Temp_Track = Get_Track $Info[$Get_Info_Count]
        $Get_Info_Temp_Field = Get_Field $Info[$Get_Info_Count]
        if (($Get_Info_Temp_Track -eq $Get_Info_Track) -and ($Get_Info_Temp_Field -eq $Get_Info_Field))
            Get_Data $Info[$Get_Info_Count]

function Get_SourceInfo
    param([string]$Get_Info_Track = "File", [string]$Get_Info_Field = "Duration")
    for ($Get_Info_Count=0; $Get_Info_Count -lt $SourceInfo.Length; $Get_Info_Count++)
        $Get_Info_Temp_Track = Get_Track $SourceInfo[$Get_Info_Count]
        $Get_Info_Temp_Field = Get_Field $SourceInfo[$Get_Info_Count]
        if (($Get_Info_Temp_Track -eq $Get_Info_Track) -and ($Get_Info_Temp_Field -eq $Get_Info_Field))
            Get_Data $SourceInfo[$Get_Info_Count]

Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetDirectory -OutVariable "Boom" -Filter *.mkv | foreach-object -process {
    $ExtPName=$_.BaseName + $_.Extension

    $SourceInfo=MyMediaBatch "$FullName"





    "Processing: `"" + $ExtPName + "`""

    #Extract All Tracks to Temp Directory
    for ($a=0; $a -lt $SourceInfo.Length; $a++)
        $Track=Get_Track $SourceInfo[$a]
        $Field=Get_Field $SourceInfo[$a]
        $Data=Get_Data $SourceInfo[$a]
        if ($Field -eq "Codec")
            if ($Data -eq "V_MPEG2")
            elseif ($Data -eq "V_MS/VFW/FOURCC / WVC1")
            elseif ($Data -eq "V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC")
            elseif ($Data -eq "A_FLAC")
            elseif ($Data -eq "A_PCM/INT/LIT")
            elseif ($Data -eq "A_DTS")
            elseif ($Data -eq "A_TRUEHD")
            elseif ($Data -eq "A_AC3")
            elseif ($Data -eq "A_AAC")
            elseif ($Data -eq "S_HDMV/PGS")
            elseif ($Data -eq "S_VOBSUB")
            if ($Boom -ne "")
                if ($Boom -eq "v")
                    $TempFile=$TempFolder + "Video " + $VideoCount + $TempFile
                elseif ($Boom -eq "a")
                    $TempFile=$TempFolder + "Audio " + $AudioCount + $TempFile
                elseif ($Boom -eq "s")
                    if ($TempFile -eq ".sub")
                        $SubFile=$TempFolder + "Subtitle " + $SubtitleCount + ".idx"
                        $TempFile=$TempFolder + "Subtitle " + $SubtitleCount + $TempFile
                        $TempFile=$TempFolder + "Subtitle " + $SubtitleCount + $TempFile
                if ($ExtractList -ne "") {$ExtractList=$ExtractList + " "}
                $ExtractList=$ExtractList + $Track + ":`"" + $TempFile + "`""
    $ExtractList="`"tracks`" `"" + $FullName + "`" " + $ExtractList
    "EXtracting Tracks..."
    $Boom=MKVEXTRACT $ExtractList
    if ($Debug) {$Boom}

    #Mux All Tracks into Individual MKVs, truncating those that are larger than the Video Streams and set track UIDs
    $TempFile=$TargetDirectory + "\Temp.mkv"
    $FinalMerge="`"-o`" `"" + $TempFile + "`" `"-A`" `"-D`" `"-S`" `"" + $FullName + "`""
    for ($a=1; $a -le $VideoCount; $a++)
        $MergeList="`"-o`" `"" + $TempFolder + "Video " + $a + ".mkv`" `"" + $VideoNames[$a-1] + "`""
        "Muxing Video " + $a + "..."
        $Boom=MKVMERGE $MergeList
        if ($Debug) {$Boom}
        Remove-Item -Path $VideoNames[$a-1]
        $VideoNames[$a-1]=$TempFolder + "Video " + $a + ".mkv"
        $Info=MyMediaBatch $VideoNames[$a-1]
        $TDuration=Get_Info "File" "Duration"
        if ($TDuration -gt $VDuration)
            $VHours=Get_Info "File" "Hours"
            $VMins=Get_Info "File" "Mins"
            $VSecs=Get_Info "File" "Secs"
            $VMilli=Get_Info "File" "Milli"
        $StreamName=Get_SourceInfo $VideoStream[$a-1] "Name"
        $StreamDefault=Get_SourceInfo $VideoStream[$a-1] "Default"
        $StreamForced=Get_SourceInfo $VideoStream[$a-1] "Forced"
        $PropEditList="`"" + $VideoNames[$a-1] + "`" `"-e`" `"track:v1`" `"-s`" `"track-uid=" + $Track + "`" `"-s`" `"flag-default=" + $StreamDefault + "`" `"-s`" `"flag-forced=" + $StreamForced + "`" `"-s`" `"name=" + $StreamName + "`""
        $Boom=MKVPropEdit $PropEditList
        if ($Debug) {$Boom}
        $FinalMerge=$FinalMerge + " `"" + $VideoNames[$a-1] + "`""
    $CutAt="`"--split`" `"parts:00:00:00.000-" + $VHours.PadLeft(2,'0') + ":" + $VMins.PadLeft(2,'0') + ":" + $VSecs.PadLeft(2,'0') + ":" + $VMilli.PadLeft(3,'0') + "`" `"-o`" `""
    for ($a=1; $a -le $AudioCount; $a++)
        $WorkFile=$TempFolder + "Audio " + $a + ".mka"
        $MergeList=$CutAt + $WorkFile + "`" `"" + $AudioNames[$a-1] + "`""
        "Muxing Audio " + $a + "..."
        $Boom=MKVMERGE $MergeList
        if ($Debug) {$Boom}
        Remove-Item -Path $AudioNames[$a-1]
        $StreamName=Get_SourceInfo $AudioStream[$a-1] "Name"
        $StreamDefault=Get_SourceInfo $AudioStream[$a-1] "Default"
        $StreamForced=Get_SourceInfo $AudioStream[$a-1] "Forced"
        $PropEditList="`"" + $AudioNames[$a-1] + "`" `"-e`" `"track:a1`" `"-s`" `"track-uid=" + $Track + "`" `"-s`" `"flag-default=" + $StreamDefault + "`" `"-s`" `"flag-forced=" + $StreamForced + "`" `"-s`" `"name=" + $StreamName + "`""
        $Boom=MKVPropEdit $PropEditList
        if ($Debug) {$Boom}
        $FinalMerge=$FinalMerge + " `"" + $AudioNames[$a-1] + "`""
    for ($a=1; $a -le $SubtitleCount; $a++)
        $WorkFile=$TempFolder + "Subtitle " + $a + ".mks"
        $MergeList=$CutAt + $WorkFile + "`" `"" + $SubtitleNames[$a-1] + "`""
        "Muxing Subtitle " + $a + "..."
        $Boom=MKVMERGE $MergeList
        if ($Debug) {$Boom}
        Remove-Item -Path $SubtitleNames[$a-1]
        $StreamName=Get_SourceInfo $SubtitleStream[$a-1] "Name"
        $StreamDefault=Get_SourceInfo $SubtitleStream[$a-1] "Default"
        $StreamForced=Get_SourceInfo $SubtitleStream[$a-1] "Forced"
        $PropEditList="`"" + $SubtitleNames[$a-1] + "`" `"-e`" `"track:s1`" `"-s`" `"track-uid=" + $Track + "`" `"-s`" `"flag-default=" + $StreamDefault + "`" `"-s`" `"flag-forced=" + $StreamForced + "`" `"-s`" `"name=" + $StreamName + "`""
        $Boom=MKVPropEdit $PropEditList
        if ($Debug) {$Boom}
        $FinalMerge=$FinalMerge + " `"" + $SubtitleNames[$a-1] + "`""

    #Combine Back Into A Single File
    "Muxing New File..."
    $Boom=MKVMerge $FinalMerge
    if ($Debug) {$Boom}

    #Set Last End Chapter Time to New Duration
    "Prepping Chapters.."
    $Info=MyMediaBatch $TempFile
    $VHours=Get_Info "File" "Hours"
    $VMins=Get_Info "File" "Mins"
    $VSecs=Get_Info "File" "Secs"
    $VMilli=Get_Info "File" "Milli"

    $ExtractList="`"chapters`" `"" + $TempFile + "`""
    $Info=MKVExtract $ExtractList
    for ($a=$Info.Length-1; $a -ge 0; $a--)
        if ($Info[$a].Contains("<ChapterTimeEnd>"))
            $Info[$a]=$Info[$a].Remove($Info[$a].IndexOf('>') + 1) + $VHours.PadLeft(2,'0') + ":" + $VMins.PadLeft(2,'0') + ":" + $VSecs.PadLeft(2,'0') + ":" + $VMilli.PadLeft(3,'0').PadRight(9, '0') + $Info[$a].Remove(0, $Info[$a].LastIndexOf('<'))
    $ExtractList=$TempFolder + "\Chapters.xml"
    Out-File -FilePath $ExtractList -Encoding utf8 -InputObject $Info
    $Boom=MKVPropEdit -c "$ExtractList" "$TempFile"

    #Replace Old File With New File and Move Old File to "Old" Directory
    Move-Item -Path $FullName -Destination $OldFolder
    Rename-Item -NewName $ExtPName -Path $TempFile
Change $TargetDirectory and $TempDir to anywhere you need it and viola, this script will truncate all the other tracks to the length of the longest video track :) .
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