
Everything related to MakeMKV
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Post by Cheddar »

When I check subtitles and forced subtitles together, but when I play it in VLC why does the video not force the subtitles when they talk in a foreign language, I can only check one or the other? Subtitles are disabled but is there a way to only enable the forced subtitles?
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Re: Subtitles.

Post by Chetwood »

They need to be properly flagged by

- the authoring tool so MakeMKV can recognize them (not always the case)
- MakeMKV (some bug in 1.8.2/3 randomly flags the tracks)
- VLC (which has a bug too: streams flagged as forced only won't show automatically).
MultiMakeMKV: MakeMKV batch processing (Win)
MultiShrink: DVD Shrink batch processing
Offizieller Uebersetzer von DVD Shrink deutsch
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